2023-03-22 BC Hydro — Time-of-use billing application

1) Here we go — application for the introduction of Time-Of-Use (TOU) billing by BC Hydro. This process will allow for public input, which I hope will be robust. Critical dates are on page 5 of the linked article below. Deadline for intervener registration is May 26, 2023.

(click on photo to enlarge)

Appendix B to Order G-49-23 (p.5) – https://docs.bcuc.com/Documents/Proceedings/2023/DOC_70551_A-2-G-49-23-Timetable-Public-Notice.pdf

Notice of Regulatory Compliance

BC Hydro Optional Residential Time-of-Use Rate Application

On February 27, 2023, BC Hydro filed our BC Hydro Optional Residential Time-of-Use Rate Application with the British Columbia Utilities Commission (BCUC). Following this, the BCUC issued an order on March 14, 2023 establishing a regulatory timetable and public notice. As per Directive 2 in Commission Order No. G-49-23, BC Hydro is sharing this information with you.


With kind regards,

BC Hydro Regulatory Group

2) Dr. Marc Arazi and I will be presenting information about the cell phone scandal in France and the total lack of regulation in Canada. There is a lot of information that ANSES and Health Canada, as well as the telecoms, don’t want you to know. Complete info about the ‘meeting’ is at the link.

C4ST Open Pubic Meeting — All welcome. Please distribute

Tuesday March 28, 2023
7:30 pm EDT, 4:30 pm PDT, (00.:30 in France)
Hosted by Shelley Wright and Marg Friesen


3) This study was done with mice but it would seem possible that holding a cell phone in a pocket near the kidney area could cause serious problems. How many times have you seen a young person with a cell phone in their back pants pocket? That is way too close to many important organs.


“Mobile Phone Use, Genetic Susceptibility and New-Onset Chronic Kidney Diseases published in the International Journal of Public Health found mobile phone use significantly associated with a higher risk of new-onset new-Onset chronic kidney diseases (CKD) especially in those with longer weekly usage time of mobile phones making or receiving calls (Zhang et al 2023)….

Consistently, several studies in mice had reported that EMF exposure of mobile phones significantly increased serum creatinine concentrations (1516) and led to the kidney interstitial inflammation that caused marked mononuclear cellular infiltration.”



Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters/Citizens for Safer Tech

“There’s a world of difference between truth and facts. Facts can obscure the truth.”       Maya Angelou

Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.


Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation