1) Dr. Moskowitz has shared several new studies about cellphones and relationships with brain tumours. They are summarized on his website https://www.saferemr.com/ . Cellphones were in use by a large number of people far earlier in the Scandinavian countries than they were in North America so it is to be expected that effects, such as brain tumors, would be reported earlier and at higher rates than in North America.
(click on photo to enlarge)

Trends in Brain Tumor Incidence Outside the U.S.
– The relationship between radiofrequency-electromagnetic radiation from cell phones and brain tumor: The brain tumor incidence trends in South Korea
– Use of mobile phones and progression of glioma incidence in four Nordic countries since 1979
– Incidence trends of adult malignant brain tumors in Finland, 1990-2016
– Trends in the incidence of primary brain, central nervous system and intracranial tumors in Israel, 1990-2015
2) In Ohio, customers are being “opted in” a “Clean Energy” program, which many believe results in higher electrical bills. I have no idea what the Clean Energy program is but I’m sure it relates to smeters. Remote control of metering grants utilities access to meters so that changes can be made without the customer’s permission or knowledge.
Customers Report Significant Increase in Bills after Utility Automatically Opts Them in to “Clean Energy” Program
“If your electric bill has gone up in recent months, it may be because your home is being powered by clean energy.
Some AEP Ohio customers in Columbus have been opted into the Clean Energy Columbus Program, which switches households’ energy sources to clean energy provided by AEP Energy. Although the initial stage of the program sent eligible residents and small businesses opt-out forms, since June 2022, customers have been automatically opted into the program after being notified via mail.”
3) Why aren’t scientists using existing studies that show biological effects related to exposure to certain frequencies of RFR? Russia knew back in the 1960s that various frequencies affected specific organs in humans. I’m sure those tests are still available and might answer questions far better than torturing animals.
PETA Urges Pentagon to Stop ‘Cruel’ Pulsed Radiation Experiments on Animals
“The animal rights group wants the military to stop “disturbing” tests meant to recreate symptoms of the mysterious “Havana syndrome” afflicting diplomats and other American and Canadian personnel.”
This may seem like a silly question but how does a scientist know if a ferret has a headache or tinnitus?
US government is trying to give ferrets Havana Syndrome to figure out what mystery illness is
“Wayne State University in Michigan was handed a $750,000 grant in September by the Army to look at the effects of radiofrequency waves on ferrets, whose brains are similar to those of humans, information shared on USASpending.gov reveals. The study is attempting to understand if the experiment will cause symptoms similar to those experienced by US government personnel in Havana, Cuba, and China.
The reported symptoms include serious headaches, temporary hearing loss, vertigo, and other afflictions similar to a traumatic brain injury.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters/Citizens for Safer Tech
“It all depends on how we look at things, and not how they are in themselves.” Carl Jung
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.