1) An invitation from Cece Doucette to participate in an educational webinar on Monday, March 13. Registration is required. Full information is available at the link below. I’m sorry I didn’t get this to you sooner. I would suggest you register for Cece’s notices to ensure you get this sort of info. directly.
Monday, March 13, Noon ET, 9:00 am PT
Here is a link to the invitation:
2) This cell tower is just outside windows of classrooms where children will be exposed every school day. This is horrendous and, not surprisingly, the American Cancer Society is saying that there is no “strong” evidence of harm — but, surprisingly, says that this doesn’t mean RFR is safe.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Updates On Washington School & Professor Liu Of Wayne State University Says Tower On School Is Wrong
The professor said this type of technology does not belong that close to the human body….
“It’s pure evil, read my lips, this is pure evil,” he said. “Each sector is transmitting 40 watts continuously. They are facing a high risk of brain tumor.”
3) Science is being ignored for the sake of profit by the large telecom corporations. EMF truly is the tobacco of the 21st century.

9 Leading Experts: RF Radiation Can Lead to Brain Damage, Alzheimer’s
“Case Reports, the experts called on authorities to heed the voices of the RF scientific community by establishing a “more stringent regulatory framework” on RF radiation and by halting the rollout of 5G technologies including smart meters and 5G cell towers — until a team of “qualified scientists independent of industry” review the risks of the technology….

Although the first two studies ever published on 5G’s effects on humans and animals reported serious adverse health effects, government authorities and telecom companies continue to put 5G cell towers and smart meters on and around people’s homes, Nilsson told The Defender.”

4) In Letters, details about a Bill in Maine proposing that the University of Maine review the effects of microwave radiation on vulnerable populations.

Subject: Bill in Maine to Study 5G Effects
Resolve, to Study the Effects of 5G Technology on Bird, Bee and Insect Populations and the Effects of Long-term Exposure on Children
Maine Legislature, HP 466, LD 697
Sec. 1. University of Maine System to study the effects of 5G technology and radio frequency.
Resolved: That the University of Maine System shall review, either through clinical study or by reviewing a compilation of scientific literature, the effects of:
1. So-called 5G wireless technology on bird, bee and insect populations and migrations; and
2. So-called 5G wireless technology, radio frequency emissions at thermal levels and pulsed and modulated radio frequency radiation at nonthermal levels for extended periods of time on children in educational settings.
No later than December 6, 2023, the University of Maine System shall submit a report with its findings to the Joint Standing Committee on Energy, Utilities and Technology.
This resolve directs the University of Maine System to review, either through clinical study or by reviewing a compilation of scientific literature, the effects of so-called 5G wireless technology on bird, bee and insect populations and to study the effects of long‑term exposure to 5G wireless technology and radio frequency radiation on children in educational settings and to report findings to the Joint Standing Committee on Energy, Utilities and Technology.
This bill has ten sponsors in the Maine Legislature.
Testimony has been submitted by Liz Barris, Patricia Burke, Frank Clegg, Devra Davis, Heidi Davis, Cecelia Doucette, Courtney Gilardi, Paul Ben Ishai, Kate Kheel, Albert Manville, Lendri Purcell, Cindy Russell, Theodora Scarato, among others.
As usual in such proceedings, Eric Swanson, a professor of theoretical physics at the University of Pittsburgh, submitted testimony on behalf of the CTIA. Once again, he makes the following invalid claim: “In short, the consensus of the scientific community is that the scientific evidence does not support any link between exposure to regulated RF and adverse health effects.”
The next work session on this bill is scheduled for March 19.
To track the status of this bill or to download testimony:
Related posts:
Joel M. Moskowitz, Ph.D., Director
Center for Family and Community Health
School of Public Health
University of California, Berkeley
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters/Citizens for Safer Tech
“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” Mark Twain
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