1) A meeting is planned and all are invited to discuss the proliferation of cell towers and the resultant increase in microwave radiation. Full details, plus lots of other relevant information, are below in Marg Friesen’s excellent newsletter.
Please be advised that the map showing cell towers (by Nikkel) is not completely accurate. I can tell because when I check my street, it shows one cell tower with just 7 antennae, when there are 2 towers with 25 antennae; plus just a short distance away, there are several towers with many transmitters which shows as 1 tower with 7 antennae. But the density of the cell towers comes through loud and clear — they are everywhere.
Inviting all Canadian Residents who are concerned about Cell Towers and Smaller Cell Antennas to a Zoom meeting Feb. 23 RSVP required.
“If you are a concerned Canadian resident interested in getting involved in a big or small way, please join us to see what possible actions we can take to reduce and prevent unwanted exposures to electrosmog – from cell tower antennas and other sources”.
2) After Verizon erected a cell tower in a residential neighbourhood, many people became ill. The Board of Health investigated thoroughly and felt there was justification to ask Verizon why it should not have to cease operations of this tower. Verizon pushed back, and the Mayor and Council refused to support any legal action by the Board. Hence this legal action. The people of Pittsfield have been persistent, fighting “City Hall” in every way.
(click on photos to enlarge)
Pittsfield cell tower opponents have found an ally in the Massachusetts Association of Health Boards
“The nongovernmental group, which provides legal and technical direction to local boards of health, this week filed an amicus brief in Berkshire Superior Court asserting that the Pittsfield Board of Health was “coerced in an improper manner” into dropping an April 2022 emergency order against the Verizon Wireless, owner of the tower at 877 South St…
Cheryl Sbarra, the Massachusetts Association of Health Boards executive director and senior staff attorney, wrote to the court that health boards have the authority to make such orders to protect residents and that “neither the defendant mayor, nor the City Council, have the authority to intervene in or interfere with the operation of the board of health.””
Here is the background of this legal filing, including the Board of Health’s decision regarding the Verizon cell tower’s effect on the residents in the area. A very interesting read. What a novel idea that government should protect the public’s health !!
“And, very important to the case now before This Honorable Court, “The right to engage in business must yield to the paramount right of government to protect the public health by any rational means.””
3) This is mind-numbing. After all the studies showing that insects of all kinds, and especially bees, are negatively affected by microwave radiation, there are now “smart” hives. This article is nearly 2 years old. I wonder if there has been any noticeable impact where “smart” hives have been used.
Smart Hives: A Radical Rethink Of Beekeeping
“Enter the “Smart Hive”
—a system of scientific bee care designed to precisely monitor and manage conditions in hives. Where traditional beekeepers might visit each hive on a weekly or monthly basis, smart hives monitor colonies 24/7, and so can alert beekeepers to the need for intervention as soon as a problem situation occurs.
“Until the advent of smart hives, beekeeping was really a mechanical process.” Says our founder and Chief Science Officer, Dr. Noah Wilson-Rich. “With technology we’re bringing bees into the Internet of Things. If you can adjust your home’s heat, turn lights on and off, see who’s at your front door, all from a smart phone, why not do the same with beehives?”
Bees and Other Insects
“Accumulated research indicates that electromagnetic radiation should be considered seriously as a complementary driver for the dramatic decline in insects, acting in synergy with agricultural intensification, pesticides, invasive species and climate change. The research review “Electromagnetic radiation as an emerging driver factor for the decline of insects” published in Science of the Total Environment found “sufficient evidence” of effects in insects including impacts to flight, foraging and feeding, short-term memory and mortality. (Balmori 2021) “

Connected Coast Project | Winter Update 2023
The Connected Coast project will bring high-speed internet to approximately 139 rural and remote communities, including 48 First Nations communities, along the B.C. coast from north of Prince Rupert to Haida Gwaii, south to Vancouver and to Vancouver Island.
Construction of the $45.4 million project is approximately 60% complete with close to 1,100 kilometres of fibre-optic cable laid.
We are excited to share that there has been lots of progress!
• Permitting is now underway for the entire west coast of Vancouver Island
• Cable lay and construction will be occurring between Campbell River and Port Hardy
this month
• Fibre optic Link to Haida Gwaii is in final stages of commissioning and handover from
our design builder
• Network testing is ongoing along other portions of the network, stay tuned for further updates of our commissioning and handover activities
Communities with completed last mile build infrastructure will soon experience high-speed internet connectivity.
A NEW interactive map can now be viewed online. Users can follow along and see the current build status on specific locations, search the status of specific landing sites and zoom in for more details.
Follow the construction journey by viewing our NEW Interactive Build Status map at www.connectedcoast.ca/map
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters/Citizens for Safer Tech
“That which is not good for the bee-hive cannot be good for the bees.” Marcus Aurelius
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.