One item tonight, and that is Dr. David Carpenter. Monsanto and SUNY must not be allowed to ruin the reputation of this wonderful, dedicated scientist. This information came from a group forming to support Dr. Carpenter and from Dr. Joel Moskowitz. I will share information as I receive it.
(click on photos to enlarge)

“Dr. David Carpenter was interviewed by Susan Arbetter, host of Capital Tonight. The interview aired on her show on all NY Spectrum News stations this evening. Please watch and get others and then post the interview on social media.
Thanks to Doug and Patti Wood, we have a website. Check that site for the latest news and a new petition for you to sign. Share it with others.

We have over 675 organizations, scientists and great people already signed on to the sign on letter. I have signed on behalf of the Coalition, but hope you will sign as individuals. Please continue to share. Here again is this week’s Action Alert, which includes the sign on letter. Give it a close look for the ten things you can do.
Mark your calendar and attend a news conference supporting Dr. Carpenter on Thursday, February 23 at 11am at the NYS Capitol in Albany. Bring signs. More to come on that.”
From Dr. Moskowitz:
“My note: David O. Carpenter, M.D., has also been an international expert on EMF health risks for three decades. He has more than 450 peer-review publications and has edited six books. He is an editor-in-chief of the journal, Reviews on Environmental Health.
Dr. Carpenter bio from SUNY web page
TAKE ACTION: The top ten things you can do now!
1. SIGN-ON LETTER: Sign on to this letter supporting Dr. Carpenter. Use the google link to sign on no later than noon on Monday February 20. Send this letter to others who might want to sign on. Organizations and individuals are welcomed to sign on.
2. ATTEND NEWS CONFERENCE: Attend a news conference supporting Dr. Carpenter on Thursday, February 23 at 11am at the Million Dollar Staircase on the third floor of the State Capitol Building in downtown Albany. Enter from Washington Ave. or State Street. On-street metered parking or park underneath the Empire State Plaza for $10.
3. MAKE CALLS: It’s so important that SUNY hear from the public. If SUNY says that this is a “personnel matter”, tell them it’s more than that. It’s an academic freedom matter and urgent that public institutions not bow from the pressure of Monsanto.
Dr. John B. King, the new SUNY Chancellor, urging him to fully reinstate Dr. David Carpenter. (518) 320-1355 and email him at
Call SUNYA President Dr. Havidan Rodriguez, (518) 956-8010 (it takes many rings so let it keep ringing until you get the answering machine) and email him at
4. WRITE LETTERS OF SUPPORT: Write a letter to the Albany Times Union. No more than 250 words.
5. SOCIAL MEDIA: Tweet Chancellor John B King @johnbking and SUNYA President Havidan Rodríguez @Havidanualbany and tell then that David Carpenter has done nothing wrong, and it is urgent that public institutions like @ualbany must not bow from the pressure of Monsanto
6. STATE LEGISLATORS: Call your statte Senator and Assemblymembers and urge them to contact Chancellor John B. King
7. SHARE THIS ACTION ALERT: Share this action alert with others.
8. SIGN AND SHARE THE PETITION: “Stop Monsanto from ruining the reputation and career of Dr. David Carpenter
9. WEBSITE: Be sure to share and bookmark and check often for updates.
10. JOIN US. Let us know if you want to join weekly meetings and join us in organizing this important work:
Joel M. Moskowitz, Ph.D., Director
Center for Family and Community Health
School of Public Health
University of California, Berkeley
Electromagnetic Radiation Safety
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters/Citizens for Safer Tech
“The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.” Bob Marley
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