1) A C4ST meeting on Feb. 14 with guest speaker Barb Payne.
(click on photo to enlarge)

Barb Payne is a long-time resident of Toronto, Canada. In 2016, she founded not-for-profit Electromagnetic Pollution Illnesses Canada Foundation. As EPIC’s President — which is full-time volunteer work — Barb works to fill a huge awareness gap in personal, family, occupational, public, and environmental health: why and how to prevent the harmful electrosmog footprints and exposures wherever there is “wireless” or electricity available. EPIC modernizes public awareness about everyday “electrosmog” and how to prevent it; promotes e-Hygiene, PracticeSafeTech, education, and kindness in creation of healthier indoor and outdoor environments; and connects persons affected by electrosmog to various resources.
Hello C4ST Community Members! (includes Riding Representatives, Riding Members and Working Groups), and guests,
Keep up the great work with cell tower oppositions, raising awareness about fiber optics to the premises, and safe technology!
Items in this email:
C4ST Community Meeting (2nd Tuesdays of the month at 7:30 pm ET)
Guest speaker, Barb Payne, Feb. 14th, 7:30 P.M. ET, 4:30 P.M. PT
Meeting agenda and Zoom link
Upcoming C4ST Meetings, including working groups
Key links
Join our Zoom meeting: Tues. Feb. 14, 2023, 7:30 P.M., ET, 4:30 P.M. PT
https://zoom.us/j/97250411732#success (No password required).
2) When asked about the conclusion and next steps reached by the EU workshop held last week on the HEALTH IMPACTS OF ELECTROMAGNETIC CONTAMINATION OF THE ENVIRONMENT (info included in Feb. 9 update) Dr. Marc Arazi responded:
“Concerning our action, we have launched our European collaborative action which consists in writing to each regulator of the 27 countries to ask them to act. And during the meeting we asked the European Commission services to intervene with each country to support our action. To date, and in less than 3 months, about 15 countries have received translated letters and half of them have replied to us. Our concrete objective with the support of European for safe connections, to obtain in all Europe what we have achieved in France.”
3) This article was published in 2016 and discusses the general topic of exposure to microwave radiation. It is pretty basic but is well-written and worth sharing with people new to the topic, comparing the resistance to take precautionary measures re.wireless devices with that taken toward tobacco and smoking. Of note, this was published in the IEEE journal.
Human Exposure to RF, Microwave, and Millimeter-Wave Electromagnetic Radiation
“Full recognition of a public health risk takes time. The paradigm of “an ounce of prevention is far better than a pound of cure” seems to have fallen by the wayside many years ago. And it now often evokes strong responses, with monumental resistance from those who have profited from the mass marketing of mobile devices.”
4) From Dr. Meg Sears, “Cancer is different, depending upon who you are, your work, community and family history, and yes, the colour of your skin.“ A series of free webinars over the next 2 weeks is available, but registration is required.
Are cancer risks in Canada skin deep?
“Join the ENRICH Project in conversations with researchers, health professionals, activists and community members about the adverse health impacts of toxic personal care and beauty products in a series of three webinars.”
February 15th, February 22th and March 1st
6-7 pm EST, 3-4 pm PST
Registration details: http://bit.ly/3WTYShJ
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters/Citizens for Safer Tech
“We are all now connected by the Internet, like neurons in a giant brain.” Stephen Hawking
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.