1) I am not good at using gmail and often lose/misplace emails sent and received. One example: I was asked if donations to Meg Sears’ organization “Prevent Cancer Now” are tax deductible. I had promised a response, but lost the initial email. Meg’s response is below in “Letters” . I hope many will consider supporting Meg’s invaluable work by contributing.
2) The US government still has found no cause for the hundreds of diplomatic personnel and their families suffering brain injuries and other health issues. CIA wants to reassure that there is no “large-scale” weapon. What about EMF transmitters? Would the radiation from them be considered environmental or a “secret weapon”? The injuries have been well-documented and the long-term effects seem to be consistent with EHS and what used to be called “microwave illness”.
(click on photos to enlarge)
CIA Report Says “Havana Syndrome” May Be Caused by “environmental factors, unidentified health problems and stress”
“A phased investigation report released by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency on the 20th believes that most of the so-called “Havana syndrome” among U.S. embassy personnel may be caused by environmental factors, unidentified health problems and stress. It is not caused by the large-scale use of “secret weapons” by a hostile country.”
More info links: https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/us-senate-finally-admits-that-neuroweapons-exist-passes-bill-to-help-diplomat-victims-s-1828-havana-act-of-2021/
3) Dr. Moskowitz maintains a library with major studies and reports added on an ongoing basis. The abstracts are available on his website along with a great deal of additional information. In an email, he provided the topics of the 22 recent papers, but I couldn’t find the list on his website. I’ve provided them here in case there is one for which you’d like to read the abstract.
22 New Papers on Electromagnetic Fields and Biology or Health
Limiting exposure to radiofrequency radiation: the principles and possible criteria for health protection
Wireless technology is an environmental stressor requiring new understanding and approaches in health care
Controversy in Electromagnetic Safety
Conducting evaluations of evidence that are transparent, timely and can lead to health-protective actions
Biological Effects of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields above 100 MHz on Fauna and Flora: Workshop Report
Biological Effects of Electric, Magnetic, and Electromagnetic Fields from 0 to 100 MHz on Fauna and Flora: Workshop Report
Effect of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Radiation Emitted by Modern Cellphones on Sperm Motility and Viability: An In Vitro Study
A Meta-Integrative Qualitative Study on the Hidden Threats of Smart Buildings/Cities and Their Associated Impacts on Humans and the Environment
Multi-objective optimisation of human exposure for various 5G network topologies in Switzerland
EMF Exposure Level for Uplink and Downlink of 5G Network Using Ray Tracing Approach
RF-EMF Exposure for sub-6GHz 5G NR Massive MIMO Base Station
Realistic Human Exposure at 3.5 GHz and 28 GHz for Distributed and Collocated MaMIMO in Indoor Environments
Towards Outdoor Electromagnetic Field Exposure Mapping Generation Using Conditional GANs
Occupational health and safety: measurement and analysis of the electromagnetic radiation produced by radiofrequency devices for rejuvenation
The dose-dependent effect of 1.5-GHz microwave exposure on spatial memory and the NMDAR pathway in Wistar rats
WiFi Related Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields Promote Transposable Element Dysregulation and Genomic Instability in Drosophila melanogaster
A Novel Reverberation Chamber for In Vitro Bioelectromagnetic Experiments at 3.5 GHz
Thermal Effect Estimation of Smartphone Virtual Reality Headsets on Human Eye by Finite Element Method
Machine Learning Models for Predicting Breast Cancer Risk in Women Exposed to Blue Light from Digital Screens
Evaluation of electromagnetic fields in human body exposed to inverter of pure electric vehicle
In vivo genotoxicity of high-intensity intermediate frequency magnetic fields in somatic cells and germ cells
Biological effects of rotating magnetic field: A review from 1969 to 2021
4) More information about the efforts to alert the public and oppose a new cell tower in French Creek, Nanaimo Regional District is below in Letters. Brian Gregg will be holding an online meeting on Jan. 12 — registration is required by Jan. 11.

Hi Sharon,
Thank you for passing this on.
PCN is a registered non-profit, but not a charity, so we cannot issue charitable receipts.
We plan this year to gain charitable status, as with the change in the law we would qualify.
The people who started PCN also started a charity called “Hills of Erin Cancer Prevention Foundation,” that can issue charitable receipts. If someone would like to go this route, they should send a message via the donation form that they wish their money be directed to the work of PCN.
Many thanks!
Meg Sears PhD
Chair, Prevent Cancer Now
613 832-2806
613 297-6042 (cell phone)
How wonderful is it when something doesn’t happen … when “something” is cancer?
Sign up for occasional news, and science-based advice and actions.
Please consider supporting our work, to stop cancer before it starts. Donate today.

From Carol and Fred Dowe, 250-752-2104, caroldowe@gmail.com (personal info included with permission)
January 1, 2023
CALL TO ACTION! Proposed Cell Tower, 63 metres, 206 feet high at 1477 Hodges Road
[French Creek Morningstar area]
Please write immediately to Brian Gregg who is working on this Telus project, putting on a Webex meeting
Wed. Jan. 12, 2022… to join meeting you must apply by Jan. 11th!
briangregg@sitepathconsulting.com to register.
You may want to express yourself in a letter as to why you object to this huge cell tower.
Also, be sure to write the RDN Directors and express your concern. It would be good to call them if you would take some time also… THEY ARE THE DECISION MAKERS!
Please copy us in too: caroldowe@gmail.com so we can know our team is working together to stop this tower.
Thank you for your incredible help needed now. Marcus Schluschen, our EMF certified technician, was able to stop the Gold River cell tower last Fall with the help of citizens like you and educating the Council! What a victory! Let’s do the same here.
Below are their RDN Directors’ names, email and telephone:
RDN Chair, vanessa.craig@rdn.bc.ca,
250-741-4589 [Gabriola]
tyler.brown@rdn.bc.ca, 250-713-5781, [Nanaimo] Vice Chair
jessica.stanley@rdn.bc.ca. 250-268-7359 [South Nanaimo]
lauren.melanson@rdn.ca, 250-268-2429 [Pleasant Valley,Nanaimo]
bob.rogers@rdn.bc.ca. 250-468-9986. [Nanoose]
lehann.wallace@rdn.bc.ca 250-951-5327. [SanPariel,FrenchCreek]
stuart.mclean@rdn.bc.ca. 250-240-2263. [Qualicum Bay, Logs]
leanne.salter@rdn.bc.ca. 250-248-8097 [Coombs,Errington]
leonard.krog@nanaimo.ca. 250-755-4400 [Mayor,Nanaimo]
sheryl.armstrong@nanaimo.ca. 250-668-6748. [Nanaimo]
ben.geselbracht@nanaimo.ca. 250-713-4173. [Nanaimo]
[Ms] erin.hemmens@nanaimo.ca. 250-734-6400. [Nanaimo]
paul manly@nanaimo.ca. 250-734-6400. [Nanaimo]
janice.perrino@nanaimo.ca. [Nanaimo]
ian.thorpe@nanaimo.ca. 250-713-9135 [Nanaimo]
Doug O’Brien, mayor@parksville.ca 250-954-3060. [Parksville]
sean.ward, councillorwood@parksville.ca. 604-868-7914. [Parksville]
mark.swain@lantzville.ca. 250-714-9708. [Lantzville]
Twestbroek@qualicumbeach.com. [Qualicum Beach mayor]
In the PQB News Dec. 21, there was an ad on page A39 – a public notice of plans to construct a 63 meter tall communications tower at 1477 Hodges Road:
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters/Citizens for Safer Tech
“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.” Edward Everett Hale
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.