This is the last update for 2022. I wish you all the very best for the New Year. May 2023 prove to be a year of good health, happiness and fulfillment for everyone.
1) Dr. Meg Sears, Chair of Prevent Cancer Now, has been working on many projects with special attention on getting EMF to be recognized by and included in CEPA’s amendments — to make our environment safer. Where major groups like the Cancer Society are concerned with treating cancers, Dr. Sears and her group work to prevent cancer in the first place.
Help Make Healthy Choices the Norm!
“Most of Canada’s “cancer prevention” funding goes to early detection. A relative pittance goes to a few simplistic actions against well-known carcinogens (such as tobacco smoke). Still less goes to complex and workplace exposures.
Prevent Cancer Now is unique in documenting and advancing fundamental evidence-based policies. For example, this year we submitted progressive, scientifically robust amendments to the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (Bill S-5), consistent with the legal amendments by the Canadian Environmental Law Association”
2) There are so many excellent websites created by people who share our concerns. Here is one from the EU, Stop 5G. It’s very interesting to see what is happening in other countries. We could get some good ideas from them. One example is the Nordic Appeal:
(click on photos to enlarge)

Nordic appeal: tighten regulation on microwave radiation from wireless technologies — Stop further roll-out of 5G
Measurements show sharp increase in radiation
“Measurements carried out in spring 2021 as part of an international collaborative project showed that radiation in cities has increased significantly, with peak values (pulses) reaching between 200,000 and over 1 million microwatts per square meter (uW/m2). A scientific study reports that levels over 2 millions (uW/m2) have been measured at the Skeppsbron in Stockholm.”
3) Light bulbs, TV and computer/cellphone screens are examples of everyday items that emit a blue light that can disrupt the production of melatonin, affecting the ability to sleep well. There are such things as glasses that cut blue light and free programs that can be downloaded to computers:
which automatically add a slight rose-colored tinge to the screens at sundown. Because my eyes are very light sensitive, I have told the program I live in Newfoundland which times the color change to my computer screen long before sundown.
Our bodies are amazingly resilient and can repair a lot of the damage incurred during the day if they get proper deep sleep, so please consider reducing your exposure to this blue light.
More Research Reveals Harmful Effects of Blue Light Exposure from LED Lights
“Numerous studies have determined that blue light from LED light bulbs and other sources is biologically and environmentally harmful in various ways. For those primarily concerned about how exposure affects human circadian rhythms, a new study is addressing that….
The key to human health is for the lighting industry to remove all 438-493 nm blue light from every LED light used after sunset but add plenty of 480 nm blue light to every fixture and light bulb used during the daytime hours.
If not replaced with circadian lighting, people only prolong the ill-health caused by the indiscriminate use of blue-enriched lights.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters/Citizens for Safer Tech
“And now we welcome the new year. Full of things that have never been.” Rainer Maria Rilke, poet
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.