1) A very sad story that might, there is no way to be certain, relate to someone who had been suffering from exposure to EMF to the point where he couldn’t take it any longer. It would be interesting if someone knowledgeable about EMF tested the levels in his apartment.
Gunman in Toronto slayings claimed condo building was making him sick
“The man who shot and killed five people at a suburban Toronto condominium on Sunday evening had spent years harassing his neighbours and threatening the building’s condo board over a belief that the building’s electrical room was making him sick.”
2) The French equivalent to ISED continues to test cell phones (141 in 2021 compared with 90 ISED tested from 2015/16-2020/21) but doing so in violation of the French/EU recommendations to test next to the body, as used in real life. The Phonegate team doubts that the agency really wants to provide meaningful protection to the cell phone users. Meanwhile, I am still waiting for more information from both Health Canada and ISED about the 90 phones that were tested. It is highly likely that some of the phones tested are no longer being sold, while ISED is failing to test newer “smart” phones. What are they afraid of?
(click on photos to enlarge)

SAR measurements: ANFR’s reprehensible omissions
“In a press release dated December 7, 2022, the French National Agency of Frequencies (ANFR) publishes the SAR measurements it carried out in 2021 with a one-year lag. The agency’s database, which we obliged it to make public in 2018 by legal means, currently includes 862 test reports, carried out between 2012 and 2022.
More tests, but incomplete ones and not protecting health
141 mobile phones were therefore checked in 2021 – compared to 95 the previous year –, which our NGO, from whose came the alert and the first sanctions against the manufacturers, welcomes. However, we note with regret that the head SAR has only been measured for 14 of them (10%), which is totally insufficient.”
3) Experts have been telling the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) that there is an urgent need to review the many studies, especially the NTP and Ramazzini studies, that have been reported since 2011 that show clear relationships between microwave radiation and cancer. In 2011, EMR from all wireless devices was classified as a 2B (possible human) carcinogen, but many researchers believe that current evidence leads to a classification of 1 or proven carcinogen. But IARC director will not commit to a review. The longer the delay, the more people will be exposed to even higher levels of EMR.

IARC Will Soon Reassess RF Cancer Risk —Or Maybe Not
Director Sends Mixed Signals
“This would be IARC’s second RF evaluation at what’s called a “Monograph Meeting,” a process widely considered the gold standard for classifying cancer risks from chemical and physical agents. The first was held in May 2011 when two dozen specialists from 14 countries agreed, almost unanimously, that RF is a Group 2B (possible) human carcinogen. Their detailed review of the literature was published in a 400+-page report, the 102nd volume in IARC’s Monographs Program.
In 2019, an IARC advisory group, taking a cue from the new animal data, urged the Agency to reassess RF radiation by 2024, calling it a “high priority.”
IARC had been silent on if and when it would schedule a new monograph meeting. Then Weiderpass made it appear all but certain. “I think it’s more likely that it will take place at the beginning of 2024” than in 2023, she said in Paris.”
Re: https://www.propublica.org/article/ericsson-girl-scouts-5g-cellphones-wireless-safety
From: X
To: gsusacustomercare@girlscouts.org
Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2022 8:03:10 PM
Subject: Stop the 5G/IOT Badge “Programming” Immediately
I was a Girl Guide (Canadian name for “Girl Scouts”). We stood for honour, self-reliance, community, etc…all wonderful values.
It grieves me deeply that the Girl Scouts have been sold out to telecoms, and are now involved with marketing 5G for private telecom business. (Are the Girl Scouts receiving money for this, or are the Girl Scouts being used? Is this not child abuse?).
5G is not biological life friendly. In other words, all life suffers when exposed to 5G. Even water cannot crystallize normally when exposed to 5G. Future generations will suffer as a result of the 5+G proliferation. Very importantly, once the 5G antennae are installed, it is nearly impossible to get them removed.
I urge you to stop this dystopian programming. Girl Scouts need to know the facts, before naively accepting what leadership is encouraging them to promote the telecom agenda.
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters/Citizens for Safer Tech
“There are in fact two things, science and opinion; the former begets knowledge, the latter ignorance.” Hippocrates
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.