1) Correction of email address in last night’s update item re. new celltower proposed for Parksville:
In the PQB News Dec, 21, 2022, there was an ad on page A39 – a public notice of plans to construct a 63 meter tall communications tower at 1477 Hodges Road. Please share widely with friends and relatives in the Parksville area.
Note that once again Brian Gregg misleads and obfuscates by not using the term “cell tower”. Instead, as a member pointed out, he uses the term “radio equipment.” Gregg works for a company that specializes in finding new locations for cell towers, not for Telus or Rogers. His job is to do a sales job which does not necessarily involve honesty or transparency. (see tonight’s quote below my name)
“Radio equipment only transmits one way, and are not two way communication hubs.
They are also single transmitters using one single frequency, while cell towers are loaded with two way transmitters using multiple frequencies.
Why is he not straight forward with informing the public? This is another Brian Gregg snow job!”
2) A utility acknowledges that the smeter caught fire but alleges it is due to “normal wear and tear”, after about 8 years. If this is so, then utilities’ customers can expect many more. What is “normal” about a smeter causing a fire? I have tried to find an analog-meter-caused fire and couldn’t. Electrical Engineers said analogs couldn’t cause fires, unlike smeters.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Smart meter catches fire, utility company denies homeowners’ damage claim
BGE: “Equipment failure due to normal wear and tear”
“A Baltimore County couple said their smart meter “exploded” causing nearly $1,500 in damage to their home. They filed a claim with BGE to pay for the repairs, but it was denied….
BGE investigated the event and could not find any willful default or neglect on their part that led to the power outage/surge. “Our investigation concluded that the cause of the power outage/surge was equipment failure due to normal wear and tear,” according to the letter sent to the Kahls.””

3) From Theodora Scarato.
Healthy Tech at Home Project
“EHT is thrilled to release our new website on safe technology, the Healthy Tech at Home Project. This website shares the simple steps families can take to reduce wireless radiation from cell phones, Wi-Fi routers and “smart tech.
We would love to hear your comments and suggestions. This the beta version. For example, are there questions you want answered? Is there an area we did not cover? If so please send us an email to info@ehtrust.org with the Subject line: HEALTHY TECH AT HOME WEBSITE COMMENTS.
Stay tuned and check in to the website in January 2023 for updates. We have several new printable resources for the website that we will release in the new year regarding cell towers and more.
4) A telecom is using Girl Scouts to advertise and promote its products. Shameful to have badges earned through lies and misrepresentation re. a dangerous product. The Girl Scouts organization needs to hear about this — the second article below provides contact information.
The Girl Scouts’ Latest Business Project: Hailing 5G Cellphone Technology
The organization famous for its cookie sales paired with equipment-maker Ericsson to encourage Scouts to spread the word about the technology and to tout its safety. Some scientists see it differently.
“The opportunity came courtesy of Ericsson, the Swedish telecommunications giant, which sponsored the “Ericsson Limited Edition 5G & IoT” (Internet of Things) patch program. The program, still available on at least one Girl Scout website, targets all age levels, from Daisies (kindergarten-age Scouts) to Ambassadors (those in high school), with an array of activities intended to “introduce Girl Scouts to 5G and the Internet of Things.”
Other recommended activities sound more like do-it-yourself advertising. High school-age members on one Girl Scout site are encouraged to “Find a cell tower and make a video explaining how 5G would change the world for you. Share the video you made with a friend or fellow Girl Scout. Or, with an adult’s permission, post your video on social media and tag @gsheartofnj, @ericsson, #girlscoutstalk5G.”
…. And Scouts of all ages are invited to “discuss with your troop or an adult how mmWave spectrum is safe and does not cause harm to our health.”
Are Girl Scouts Teaching Young Girls To Promote Business Practices That May Harm The Environment; GMOs; Palm Oil; And Now 5G?
Action Item: Email the Girl Scouts
“Concerned individuals everywhere are encouraged to send an email to:
and vidya.krishnan@ericsson.com
“Please immediately suspend Girl Scouts of America’s 5G and IOT Ericsson patch because it disseminates scientifically inaccurate information and promotes a false and dangerous message. The activities for this badge are based entirely on materials developed by Ericsson (the Swedish multinational telecommunications firm), and they misleadingly state that 5G networks and phones are safe. In fact, scientific evidence clearly indicates that 5G and wireless networks are not safe.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters/Citizens for Safer Tech
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” Upton Sinclair
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.