Happy Boxing Day. I am sorry that the ‘short break’ ended up longer than I had expected. There is a lot to catch up on and I will try to do it without overwhelming you.
1) The efforts of people such as Dr. Meg Sears are aimed at having EMF recognized as an environmental toxin in the Environmental Protection Act. The evidence exists but is being ignored by the government and its agencies.
(click on photos to enlarge)

The silent culprit in the monarch’s decline
“Responding to colliding environmental crises of climate and biodiversity can seem overwhelmingly large and complex. Failure is not an option, but what if alongside greenhouse gases and toxic chemicals, we are missing another potent factor?
Scientists are alarmed that radio frequency radiation has ranged up to more than a quintillion times (1,000,000,000,000,000,000-fold) over historical natural ambient levels. Moreover, this “wireless” radiation for cellphones and the internet are pulsed to carry data and found to be biologically active in all species that have been adequately tested.”
2) LA County, the largest in the USA, is considering the telecoms’ pressure to “fast-track” applications for new cell towers after receiving 1,000s of emails from residents and hearing from experts about the health and fire hazards posed by wireless proliferation. Fiber to and through the homes has many benefits about which people are learning and politicians must acknowledge.

‘Democracy at Work’: L.A. County Delays Decision on Fast-Tracking Wireless Towers After Public Outcry
“Citing “unanswered questions,” the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday unanimously agreed to delay its final vote on two ordinances that would allow for the fast-tracked proliferation of wireless infrastructure without due process and without residents’ right to appeal.”
3) A major conference was held in Canada during my break. The hope was that it would address the industry-funded government-supported wireless pollution that is endangering our environment as well as biodiversity, which many consider to be in a crisis situation. At this point, because I am way behind in my reading, I do not know if this happened and, if it did, the results. As soon as I do, I will share.
It is vital that our environmental protection agencies recognize the harms posed by wireless devices and microwave radiation.
Who Isn’t Included in COP and Biodiversity Conference Concerns? 5G, Wireless, and War
“Regarding the Canadian event, “The Guardian” shared Patrick Greenfield’s article “Three ways Cop15 can help stymy the escalating biodiversity crisis” in their December 8, 2022 newsletter, “Down to Earth,” “How to Save A Million Species”.
The article notes, “A few things are needed to make sure the agreement at Cop15 is implemented, say observers. First: numerical targets that are quantifiable and measurable. Bad targets are imprecise, hard-to-quantify and will lead to the inaction we have already seen.”
“Second, we must improve the quality of data we have about our planet.”
“Finally, countries must report the biodiversity equivalent of nationally determined contributions (NDCs), which are updates from governments in the UN climate process on how they are meeting their Paris targets.””
4) More cell towers are being planned — this effort is tied to the 5G grid and the need for expanded infrastructure to support it. Another in Parksville — a dual Roger/Telus one which will inevitably hold many cell transmitters. Not surprisingly, it appears that Brian Gregg is avoiding person-to-person meetings after the people who demanded answers and would not accept his attempts to provide false, misleading, or non-responsive answers during a public meeting in Comox Valley. I suggest people demand a full, open and transparent meeting.
More information is available below in “Letters“. If you can help and want to get involved, let me know and I will connect you.
Email: citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca with “Parksville” on the subject line.
Happy Christmas Eve Everyone,
Unfortunately, I bring sad tidings of great concern.

There’s a “Public Notice-French Creek” on p. A39 of this week’s Christmas edition of the Parksville Qualicum Beach News, announcing that Brian Gregg is going to have a “public meeting via the Webex application on Thursday, January 12th, 2023, from 5:00-6:00pm. His “presentations” will be at 5pm and at 5:30pm, followed by “a question and answer period.”
To register for this online meeting, and for details on how to join this Webex meeting, contact:
or at: PO Box 20138 Vancouver RO, Fairview, BC V5Z 0C1
on or before Wednesday, January 11th, 2023.
A few other information/questions to be concerned about:
– It will be both a Telus and a Rogers tower, and (may be at least) 63.0 meters high, with ancillary radio equipment.
– It is not far from the Telus and Rogers existing telecommunications facilities. Why is another tower “needed”?
– What will be the levels of emissions?
– Will these emissions be monitored by a truly independent professional?
The site (at “1477 Hodges Road, Parksville”) is near the QB Airport! (5G+ concerns)
It is privately owned land. (Perhaps someone can find out who owns this land?? Does the owner understand the issue, including their responsibility should there be lawsuits in the future?)
Requests for your help:
1. If you can scan the advertisement and send it to the email in the Cc line, Sharon will probably include it in her update.
2. We need volunteer(s) to organize our efforts.
3. Please share.
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters/Citizens for Safer Tech
“We won’t have a society if we destroy the environment.” Margaret Mead
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.