1) In a recent update [3) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2022-11-17-male-fertility-declining-worldwide/], I shared a report about the dramatic decline in male fertility in the last 20 years or so.
This is not a new revelation. Studies have been done for more than 15 years showing the effect of EMF on sperm. Physicians for Safe Technology have gathered dozens of reviews and studies on this topic. Scroll down this page to “Sperm Effects Review Articles”. If people aren’t worried about cancers, cardiac problems, or other documented issues, perhaps they (especially men) will take care of where they carry and how they use wireless devices after reading some of these items.
2) From Dr. Joel Moskowitz, co-producer of “Mobilize: Cell Phones & Cancer Documentary”. Please share this film — it’s free for the month of December.
(click on photo to enlarge)

“This award-winning, feature-length documentary explores the long-term health effects from cell phone radiation including cancer and infertility. The film examines scientific research, follows state and national legislative efforts, and illuminates the influence that technology companies have on public health. The film was selected as the best documentary film at the California Independent Film Festival.
Mobilize features interviews with scientists, doctors, politicians, cancer patients, and technology experts including interviews with Gavin Newsom, now governor of California, Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple, and Harvard Law Professor Lawrence Lessig.
When Gavin Newsom was mayor of San Francisco, he was one of the strongest supporters of a cell phone “right to know” ordinance that the Board of Supervisors unanimously adopted. Once he left the city to become Lt. Governor, the city gave up fighting the CTIA’s Federal lawsuit and retracted the ordinance. In our film, Newsom stated he received substantial “blowback” from the industry. See his interview at 0:04:30 – 04:45, 0:6:50 – 0:07:40, and 1:04:30 – 1:05:02.
The documentary was directed by Kevin Kunze and produced by researchers, Devra Davis and Joel Moskowitz, and by Ellie Marks, co-founder of the California Brain Tumor Association.
Watch the film that the Telecom industry doesn’t want you to see!
During December the film is available to view for free on YouTube: https://bit.ly/MobilizeCellPhone. (1Hr. 23 min.)
For more information about the film and two movie reviews:
Mobilize: A Film About Cell Phone Radiation “
or https://www.saferemr.com/2015/04/mobilize-film-about-cell-phone-radiation.html
3) The telecoms are very busy, as is Brian Gregg, all to build a 5G grid. An announcement about a proposed Telus tower on Cortes Island, with more details in Letters provided by SafeTech Cortes. I wonder what is happening re. the fiber optic cable that is coming to all of the islands. This would make the cell towers unnecessary for the faster internet they are promoting.
See: https://cortesradio.ca/citywest-makes-progress-bringing-fiber-optic-cable-to-cortes-island/
The same is true of Hornby Island:
1) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2022-12-01-63-meter-tower-rogers-plans-for-hornby-island/
Perhaps this is the reason for the rush right now — trying to beat the cable.
Telus is back at it again, with round 3 for the same 63.1 meter cell tower in the Rexford Road area.
The first proposal was shut down by the Strathcona Regional District in May 2021 because it was too close to homes, the school and community hub, with 60 letters of non consent, submitted.
The second proposal was declined by ISED in October 2022 because, again, it was too close to homes, with 100+ letters and a petition of 140 signatures of non consent, submitted.
Now a third proposal, a mere 100 meters further away, this is still too close to homes. A notice was posted on the Tideline on Nov 17 2022 asking for community feedback but the only contact info listed is for the Telus proponent Brian Gregg:
This process lacks accountability, basically “the fox guarding the hen house” with still no community consultation.
Please send feedback by email and copy to all 3 addresses listed below. Deadline Jan 13 2023:
TELUS C/O Brian Gregg, SitePath Consulting Ltd. Phone: 778-870-1388
ISED Innovation,Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) – Phone: 236-464-2500
Safe Tech Cortes – Concerned Cortes residents & the Safetech Team
If you wrote a letter previously, please revise the date or amend and resend, or rewrite to the 3 contacts listed above.
The majority of Cortes residents do not want a cell tower and many more do not want it anywhere near homes. Remember, all those writing in must have/use a Cortes address. Every voice counts, please ask every adult in your household, friends & neighbours to write something, even just 2 simple lines. Feel free to copy and paste to send your own, or forward this email.
With more letters, hopefully, we have a good chance of appealing to ISED to get this tower moved again, away from all homes.
Thanking you in advance
SafeTech Cortes
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters/Citizens for Safer Tech
“You’ve got to be very careful if you don’t know where you are going, because you might not get there.” Yogi Berra
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components.