1) BC Hydro has recently been visiting homes with “opt out meters” to ‘upgrade’ them. Several people have told me that they felt something, got sick, couldn’t sleep and this was, in some cases, without knowing this ‘upgrade’ had occurred. Our smeter was upgraded and my RF meter doesn’t register anything.
One of our members wanted to find out what the “upgrade” to her opt out smeter was and, after many emails back and forth, BC Hydro’s rep told her the info was here:
5.6.31 firmware update: Release Notes for Cisco Resilient Mesh Release 5.6.31 – Cisco
The information is very technical, so I asked an expert to explain what this update does, and this is the response I received:
After I read this, I have one major question:
Given that most of these “upgrades” seem to pertain to the wireless aspect of the smeters, why would smeters that have the transmitters disabled need to be upgraded?
2) An interview with Dr. Om Gandhi, recording is 1 hr. long. Cell phones are not tested the way they are used. They are tested on a plastic mannequin with a spacer several mm thick between the phone and the ear, and many mm (often 15-25mm) from the body. Dr. Gandhi’s research has shown that for each millimeter (mm), the SAR is reduced by 10-30%. Testing is unrealistic and permits telecoms to test at great distances so they can say their phones meet the dangerous Safety Code 6 level of 1.6W/kg if used as tested.
The manuals tell people not to use phones closer than a specific distance, but why in the manual? Why not on labels where people will see the warning? Why not make phones at least meet this outrageous guideline? We are not SAM.
Much of the last half of the interview is devoted to 5G technology.
(click on photo to enlarge)

No Biological Science Behind Mobile Phone Safety Testing
“Meet the man whose research inspired the SAM campaign. Om P. Gandhi, Emeritus Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering with the University of Utah, taught courses on biological effects of antennas, RF and microwave electromagnetic fields for over 50 years.
Prof. Om P. Gandhi is a world expert on how mobile phone radiation penetrates the human brain. Once a consultant to major cell phone companies, Gandhi now refuses to work with them….
The We Are Not SAM movement is not based on opinion – it’s backed by science and the leading independent scientists from around the world have a lot to say about this testing dummy called SAM. Tune in to hear some of the mind-boggling insights from Om’s research, the specifics around the SAM test which has allowed mobile phones to proliferate the market with unsafe devices, the FDTD Method – an alternative solution to the SAM test which can detect radiation with precision, the antenna affect, why humans absorb radiation and act like a conductor + so much more!”
Links to Dr. Gandhi’s research papers are at the bottom of the page. I will ask for the slides he mentions.
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters/Citizens for Safer Tech
“Nothing strengthens authority so much as silence.” Leonardo da Vinci
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components.