1) From Olle Johansson, is or should EHS be considered a disability?
“Please, find enclosed a very important commentary, about the functional impairment electrohypersensitivity, written by Johan Bonander, vicar at Fryksände pastorat, Torsby kommun, Värmland, Sweden. It is published in the recent “Ljusglimten” no. 2, p. 14, 2022.”
2) This example of espionage is what experts have been warning could/likely/would happen if Canadian utilities work with Chinese corporations such as Huawei. Chinese experts have worked in developing and implementing infrastructure, putting our security at risk. As far as I know, Telus is still using the devices and grid design that Huawei worked on and Telus is not the only telecom that partnered with Huawei in Canada.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Hydro-Québec employee charged with spying for China
“When corporate security grew suspicious, Beaudoin said they took “preventative measures” against Wang, who has since been fired from his job as a researcher at Hydro-Québec’s Center of Excellence in Transportation Electrification and Energy Storage (CETEES).
CETEES develops technology for electric vehicles and energy storage systems, according to Hydro-Québec.
“No organization is safe from a situation like this one, which is why we must always remain vigilant and transparent, and we must not tolerate violations of the company’s code of ethics.”
3) People have asked me if there are RF meters that can measure 5G. Right now, 5G is using lower frequencies, in the 600 MHz range, and may continue to do so for many applications because this frequency travels long distances, can penetrate buildings, and won’t be interfered with by rain, snow, trees, etc.
ISED has been planning an auction of some higher frequencies, in the 26-30 GHz range. Current RF meters will measure the lower frequencies, but not the higher ones. New RF meters will be available and someone like Rob Metzinger at Safe Living Technologies will be able to keep us informed about cost, availability, etc.
From Cece Doucette, re. Safe Wireless Zoning Bylaws
Lenox Wireless Zoning Bylaws
What You Need to Know to Stay Connected & Protected
Thursday, November 17, 7:00 – 8:30 PM ET, 4:00-5:30 PT
Lenox Town Hall Auditorium
6 Walker Street, Lenox or attend via Zoom
Zoom meeting link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8240922020
Send questions for the experts in advance to: hello@safecell01240.com
Folks from Lenox and neighboring towns are welcome to attend in person to view this Zoom presentation together. Subject matter experts will discuss:
– The health effects of electromagnetic radiation exposure from cell towers/antennas
– What the FCC’s 1996 Telecommunications Act tells municipalities they can and can’t do
– Why our towns’ hands are not tied
– Some of the best examples of wireless zoning bylaws already in place today to help towns stay connected while homes, health and property values are protected
Our experts include:
Scott McCollough, Telecommunications Attorney
Dr. Kent Chamberlin of the New Hampshire 5G Commission Report on The Health and Environmental Effects of Wireless.
Theodora Scarato, Executive Director, Environmental Health Trust
Andrew Molnar, a citizen who helped write Ithaca, New York’s protective wireless zoning bylaw
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters/Citizens for Safer Tech
“Every man is guilty of all the good he did not do.” Voltaire
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components.