1) From Arthur Firstenberg:
“Today, my assistant Kathleen Burke is in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. She is there to attend the COP 27 — the 27th UN Conference of the Parties on Climate Change. More than 40,000 people are expected to attend. Kathleen is an official observer and will be talking and handing out literature to the delegates in the Conference as well as to the activists and protestors outside.
Here is a letter I officially submitted on Thursday to the COP 27:
It states that electrosmog should be recognized as the emergency that it is, that it is a huge contributor to aspects of the degradation of life that are being blamed only on climate change, and proposing to the United Nations the drawing up of a new international treaty and the establishment of a Convention on Electrosmog. Kathleen will also distribute this letter to the delegates at the COP.”
2) Telecoms are being sued more and more often. Might government agencies ,such as FCC and ISED, be vulnerable as well? They know that scientific evidence has shown, for decades, that exposure is especially dangerous to children yet they continue to allow wireless devices, such as cellphones and Wi-Fi, to be sold to and used by children. We must hold them, as well as the telecoms, accountable. I don’t know if participants must be from the USA or not. In the remarks one person has asked, but there is no response. It sure wouldn’t hurt to apply.
(click on photos to enlarge)
CHD Seeks Plaintiffs for Lawsuits Challenging WiFi in Schools, and Cell Towers and Small Cells in Neighborhoods
“Children’s Health Defense is seeking plaintiffs for lawsuits challenging WiFi in schools, and cell towers and small cells in residential areas in an effort to protect children and other vulnerable populations from harmful levels of radiofrequency radiation exposure….
Children spend approximately a third of their day at school. Despite established negative health effects of WiFi exposure, children are constantly bombarded with high levels of RF radiation from sources such as wireless access points, smartphones, tablets, smart boards and more in the classroom.
Detrimental levels of RF exposure do not end when a child returns home. Dozens of cell towers and small cells can now be found in each neighborhood around the country.
The cumulative effect of multiple sources of exposure is not accounted for by the Federal Communications Commission in its exposure guidelines and only compounds the threat to human health.”
3) Cece Doucette‘s monthly meeting’s date has changed.
Monthly MA for Safe Technology Meeting
Wednesday, November 30, 12 Noon ET
We usually meet on the third Wednesday of the month, but this month we will meet Nov. 30 instead.
Please join us for updates on state policy, local inroads and events. All are welcome, we appreciate your insights from around the country and the world!
Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIqf–srj8sHtwVnBQhOsmpW8enmmewysn9
4) A major cyberattack/hack occurred over the weekend, and may still be causing major problems for many Canadians. Transparency is voluntary, apparently, so Sobeys is being more open than most. It would be interesting to know if their system were fully hard wired or not since wireless systems are much more vulnerable.

Owner of Sobeys, Safeway stores tight-lipped on IT problems impacting pharmacies
“Two major Canadian food companies continue to keep mum about information technology problems that have plagued their operations for days and as the silence drags on, some experts say a ransomware attack could be behind the issues.
Empire Company, which owns 1,500 stores across Canada, including Sobeys, Lawtons, IGA, Safeway, Foodland, Needs and other grocery outlets, said Monday an “information technology systems issue” was causing some of its pharmacies to experience difficulty fulfilling prescriptions. Signs posted at some stores also said the gift card and Scene points systems were down.
But he said there should be more disclosure and accountability from regulators, similar to the airline industry which must reports on incidents that affect safety and security.
“The reality is there are not a single law on the books that says that Canadians deserve to know what happens with this,” he said.
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters/Citizens for Safer Tech
“The Internet gave us access to everything; but it also gave everything access to us.” James Veitch
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components.