2022-11-01 5G C-band causes interference

1) Another excellent video. Even though Dr. Butler speaks English, you might find it helpful to use “closed captions”.

Ecological Threats of the Connected World and 5G — Part 2

“Professor Tom Butler on international regulation of radio frequency radiation (RFR), which ignores scientific studies about biological impacts.

Professor Tom Butler MSc PhD is ranked in the top two percent of scientists by discipline globally. His funded research focusses on operational risk, specifically R&D on artificial intelligence (AI) technologies for risk and compliance in the financial industry. A former Government of Ireland Fellow focussing on green technologies, Tom also investigates the risks that technologies pose to society, including the risks of adverse health effects that wireless technologies present to humans. Here, Tom engages with a global group of independent multi-disciplinary researchers in assessing the risk to public health from wireless radiation, including 5G.”

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zE72mU-mH4o      (14 min.)

2) The second of 3 articles by Patricia Burke about EHS from a TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) perspective. The first article was in the Oct. 13 update. 


EMF/RF/5G Acupuncture and EHS/Microwave Illnesses; A Chinese Medicine Expert Perspective on Stages of ‘EHS’

“An important bridge between Western and Eastern perspectives on ‘EHS’ and other environmental health challenges is emerging as practitioners of so-called “Alternative Medicine” are sharing insights, experience, and knowledge.”

EMF/RF/5G Acupuncture and EHS/Microwave Illnesses; A Chinese Medicine Expert Perspective on Stages of ‘EHS’ 


3) This article is from a wireless industry newsletter. 5G using C-band frequencies (4.0-8.0 GHz) are raising concerns about interference for aviation, the military, utility infrastructure, and satellites, for example. There are few reasons for this technology and many reasons against it.

(click on photos to enlarge)

FAA Asks FCC to Mandate 5G C-band Restrictions for All Providers Around Airports Due to Ongoing Interference Issues

“In January, the FAA issued 5G-related aviation warnings to pilots suggesting that some on-board aviation systems can be disrupted by C-band operations. The Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs) warned pilots that altimeters, automated landing and heads-up displays/enhanced flight vision systems for aircraft should be considered unreliable for use in specific geographic areas, as should the use of helicopter autopilot hover modes.”



Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters/Citizens for Safer Tech

“If we make no effort to change direction, we will end up where we are heading.” — Chinese Proverb

Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components.


Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation