1) Dr. Arazi and his Phonegate team are attempting to find out if cell phones, and other wireless devices, are being tested in other EU countries and, if so, to obtain the test results. He is also calling for tests to be performed in a manner to simulate the way phones are used, e.g. next to the body and head, not 10, 15 or even 25mm distant. Here in Canada, the test results obtained from ISED pertaining to cell phones showed that most were tested in the 10-15mm range. I suspect manufacturers and ISED test at whatever distance is needed to meet the SAR criteria of 1.6 W/kg.
Call for European collaborative action to protect cell phone users health
“Our NGO Phonegate Alert is launching an important collaborative action with Europeans for Safe Connections to write to each of the national telecom regulators in the 26 countries of the European Union.
We are counting on both european partner organizations and citizens to take action to achieve real health protection for cell phone users in the wake of the Phonegate industry scandal.”
2) A fairly long article that is well worth reading because it is filled with great information plus a terrific 4 min. video:
The statement copied from the article describes what is happening in the UK and it is just like what happens in Canada. Safety Code 6 is based on ICNIRP and is not a law– it is merely a guideline. But, somehow, it takes priority over our public health laws and our civil rights. This makes no sense and it’s time for this to change.
United Kingdom: EMF/RF/5G Resistance & Recent Progress, Part 1 of 3
“Karen Churchill reiterates, “The PHE guidelines are NOT Law. The public and the Planning Departments are being misled by national planning policy which includes statements “that they must not set health safeguards other than ICNIRP.
There is a statutory requirement to risk reconcile in the European Electronics Communications Code, which requires that public health be made imperative and requires the application of precaution. This Law supersedes Policy and the yet this truth is being suppressed.””
3) A PowerPoint devoted to energy use especially by wireless technology, which uses many times more than wired, and by 5G which requires significantly more power than 3G and 4G technology. And data centres are truly energy hogs. Is Nanaimo Council taking this into account?
“5G will prompt energy consumption to grow by a staggering 160% in 10 years.”
The UK site, “RF Info” https://rfinfo.co.uk/ has a lot of great info about 5G on it, such as:
“•According to the High Council on Climate (2020) report to the French government, “The carbon impact of 5G deployment [in France] could amount to between 2.7 and 6.7 million tons of CO2-equivalent in 2030. That’s a significant increase compared to the tech sector’s environmental impact (about 15 million tons of CO2-equivalent),” p 6.
(click on photo to enlarge)

•IEEE (2019) states ‘a 5G base station is generally expected to consume roughly three times as much power as a 4G base station. And more 5G base stations are needed to cover the same area.’”
4) A light-hearted Op-Ed on the internet and Connected Coast to end the week.
Oops, did it again, but next time I’ll be prepared
“So, I thought I had learned my lesson.
The last time we had a major internet and cell outage on June 7, I lamented about how unprepared I was. Then, I was in transit between Prince Rupert and Smithers and had to borrow cash to buy gas to get home.
At that time I vowed to be more prepared for the next time.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters/Citizens for Safer Tech
“The Internet gave us access to everything; but it also gave everything access to us.” James Veitch
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components.