1) Scientists have been urging/demanding that IARC (part of WHO) re-examine the classification of EMF/RF as a 2B (possible Carcinogen) since so many new studies, done since the last review in 2011, show EMF/RF to be carcinogenic. But WHO is heavily influenced by industry and the military and IARC has been silent re. the review. This conference has many people from IARC and WHO who have long supported industry, e.g. Joachim Schüz of IARC in Lyon, Emilie van Deventer of the WHO in Geneva, both of whom have long been known to support the ICNIRP stance (that Health Canada accepts) that any harmful biological effects are caused by heating.
RF Health Review, Paris in November
“IARC RF Cancer Reassessment Not Yet Scheduled”
2) CELA (Canadian Environmental Law Association) has held 3 free webinars already and the 4th is next Wednesday. This series is “on the review and reform of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA)”. We need CEPA amended to provide a healthy environment for us and future generations. It does not recognize RF/EMF as a pollutant — and we all need to pressure our politicians to support an amendment to address this major shortfall.
At the link below, you can register for the last webinar in this series as well as see videos of the prior 3.
Webinar 4: CEPA and Vulnerable Populations, Electromagnetic Frequency and Biotechnology
1:00 – 2:15 p.m. ET, 10:00 -11:15 am PT, Wednesday, October 26, 2022
Click here to register to attend this webinar.
Heather Fast, Policy Advocacy Director, Manitoba Eco-Network
Meg Sears, PhD, Prevent Cancer Now
Mark Butler, Senior Advisor, Nature Canada
3) Virtual Reality headsets now have cameras that can gather more personal data to support “avatars”, or possibly to track likes and dislikes for things like marketing. A horrid invasion of privacy while they send strong RF signals directly into the brain.
(click on photos to enlarge)

VR Headset’s Inward-Facing Cameras “could allow Meta or other companies to emotionally exploit people”
“Warnings about virtual reality (VR) use are NOT new and it’s not just because users are often exposed to unwanted and sometimes unlawful content and behavior. Research has also indicated that VR use can cause behavioral changes, balance problems …, cognitive problems, eye problems (soreness, vision changes), headaches and other discomforts, skin issues, as well as other short-term and/or long-term health issues.”
Meta’s VR Headset Harvests Personal Data Right Off Your Face
“Cameras inside the device that track eye and face movements can make an avatar’s expressions more realistic, but they raise new privacy questions….
Data from Meta’s new headset might provide a fresh way to infer a person’s interests or reactions to content. The company is experimenting with shopping in virtual reality and has filed patents envisioning personalized ads in the metaverse, as well as media content that adapts in response to a person’s facial expressions.”

From: “April Weppler” <april@cela.ca>
To: “April Weppler” <april@cela.ca>
Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2022 11:14:05 AM
Subject: Where’s the Protection – A Webinar Series on the Review and Reform of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (Webinar #3)
Hello everyone –
Thank you for registering for and/or attending the second webinar in the 4-part series coordinated by CELA-Nature Canada “Where’s the Protection: A Webinar Series on the Review and Reform of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act“,which took place earlier this week (Wednesday, October 19).
We were pleased to see so many in attendance, and appreciated all of the thoughtful questions that were posed during the session. Please take a moment to fill out our post-webinar survey if you haven’t already.
A recording of the webinar can be found on CELA’s YouTube channel or on our website. The slide decks and speaking notes are also on that webpage, and attached to this email.
We encourage you to sign up for the remaining webinar in the series: October 26: CEPA and Regulation of Biotechnology and Electromagnetic Frequency – you can find a registration link on this page.
Those interested in connecting with Senator McCallum, can do so at MaryJane.McCallum@sen.parl.gc.ca.
Should you have any additional questions, you can contact myself or Fe de Leon.
Thank you,
April Weppler
Engagement Coordinator, Healthy Great Lakes
Pronouns: she/her
Canadian Environmental Law Association
55 University Avenue, Suite 1500
Toronto, ON M5J 2H7
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters/Citizens for Safer Tech
“It is only prudent never to place complete confidence in that by which we have even once been deceived.” Rene Descartes
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