1) An historic win against Google for misleading and deceiving their customers. First Google… which company will be next to pay for exploiting, cheating, harming its customers?
(click on photos to enlarge)

Attorney General Mark Brnovich Achieves Historic $85 Million Settlement with Google
“General Brnovich began an investigation of Google after a 2018 Associated Press article revealed that the company was misleading and deceiving consumers about the collection and use of their personal location data by tracking smartphones even when consumers disabled the “Location History” setting. General Brnovich sued Google in May 2020, becoming the first attorney general in the country to hold the tech giant accountable in state court for deceiving consumers through so-called “dark patterns” that were built into its software, including apps and Android phones. Dark patterns are coercive design tactics used to manipulate users’ behavior.”
2) The October newsletter from Americans for Responsible Technology with several interesting articles.
The ART Fall Checklist of Things to Do
“Many colleges, universities and private schools offer dormitory or housing accommodations for students, and most are outfitted with powerful Wi-Fi networks to meet student demands. But when students go to sleep, the Wi-Fi never does, exposing those living in dorms to RF radiation all day and all night.”
3) One of our arguments against BC Hydro’s and FortisBC’s smeters was that they gather data not needed for billing purposes and send it wirelessly, without our permission or knowledge, making it available to hackers or third parties. We were ignored about this and the other problems associated with smeters, such as fires and microwave radiation. Could this be the next major lawsuit?
Utility Pumps Customers’ Smart Meter Data To Police Without Warrant
“The Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) searches entire zip codes’ worth of people’s private data and discloses it to police without a warrant or any suspicion of wrongdoing, according to a privacy lawsuit filed Wednesday in Sacramento County Superior Court.
Utility data has historically provided a detailed picture of what occurs within a home. The advent of smart utility meters has only enhanced that image. Smart meters provide usage information in increments of 15 minutes or less; this granular information is beamed wirelessly to the utility several times each day and can be stored in the utility’s databases for years. As that data accumulates over time, it can provide inferences about private daily routines such as what devices are being used, when they are in use, and how this changes over time.”
Utility Pumps Customers’ Smart Meter Data To Police Without Warrant

I just want to get the word out to other readers re: the high electrical fields (as well as RFR if the Bluetooth is enabled) of today’s digital pianos. I just had a horrendous experience with a high-end digital piano I ordered to replace my 1990’s model that was having technical problems.

I ordered a Yahama P515. As soon as i started using it, I had terrible headaches. Someone knowledgeable came to measure it and while the recommended voltage for something you are going to spend 6 or 7 hours a day in close proximity to is under 10 volts per meter, this was emitting 2,000 volts per meter out the back and 600 volts per meter where my feet were. We tried various shielding and grounding methods but even then, I felt unwell using it and we were unable to get the electrical field to a safe level.
I went to look at alternatives on the weekend and saw that not one of the digital pianos available had a grounded power cord.
Even though I need some of the functions a digital piano offers, and realize that the high readings on this particular one may be an anomaly but I was thankfully able to return this one, and ended up buying a wooden acoustic piano as I did not trust that any of the new digital models available were a healthy choice. My new acoustic piano arrives tomorrow! I will still need a small digital one for some functions but I will look for an older one as they seem to have less of a field.
All the Best,
Oona McOuat (name given with permission)
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters/Citizens for Safer Tech
“Privacy is not for sale, and human rights should not be compromised out of fear or greed.” Pavel Durov