1) By chance, I saw someone outside my home near my smeter so I went out for a talk. He said that my “radio off” smeter (I corrected him — it’s my transmitters turned off smeter) had to be upgraded, but he didn’t know why. He said all smeters for those who have opted out have to be manually upgraded, and thinks that others are done remotely. In a previous update, I asked to be sent photos of the “box”, as someone described it to me, that BC Hydro uses. I was able to get some photos and they are below.
The BC Hydro person gave me a card for Customer Metering where, supposedly, someone could tell me the reason for the upgrade. I called and was told that some disabled smeters, inexplicably, have begun to send signals and that this upgrade would prevent that from happening. Because of my past experience with BC Hydro representatives, I have my doubts as to the veracity of this, so I am hoping that others will call to ask for the reason for this upgrade.
The customer metering service is 1-800-409-8199 and the email address is customermetering@bchydro.com. I’d appreciate hearing what others are told. Please send to: citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca with ‘upgrade‘ on the subject line.
BTW, I did use my RF meter afterwards to test and there was no RF being emitted.
(click on photos to enlarge)
2) Someone asked me why anyone would hack a medical device. I can think of many reasons, some benign — e.g. just to see if it could be done — but others quite nefarious, e.g. both too much or too little insulin can cause serious health problems, even coma or death. And pacemakers….
Medtronic MiniMed 600 Series Insulin Pump System Potential Cybersecurity Risk
“Medical devices are increasingly connected to the Internet, hospital networks, and other medical devices to provide features that improve health care and increase the ability of health care providers to treat patients. These same features also increase potential cybersecurity risks. Medical devices, like other computer systems, can be vulnerable to security breaches, potentially impacting the safety and effectiveness of the device.“
3) A conference with international experts on EMF participating will be live-streamed. Tickets must be purchased, costing 60.75 Euros.
“The conference program provides an overview of the current status of the 5G / mobile radio discussion from different perspectives.
The presentation of the international pioneer study ATHEM 3, which has just been completed, will be followed by lectures on the subject areas ‘Environment and people’ and ‘Science-political and social challenges’.”
4) In public comments regarding the Convoy protest re. Covid in January, Prime Minister Trudeau used the term “tin foil hats” in a derogatory manner. Frank Clegg used this as an opportunity to educate the PM about the science that shows EMR is potentially dangerous and that many people suffer the consequences of our government’s failure to take action. Letter to Prime Minister Trudeau – Requests for clarification of the term tin foil hat and wireless radiation health concerns of Canadians.
Frank Clegg’s letter to Prime Minister Trudeau re. wireless radiation

Technological disconnect : you mentioned tin foil hats
“… the evidence shows that those who are sensitive live with tinnitus and headaches that are ever present and distracting. Once they associate their symptoms with EMR, it becomes inescapable and they become disconnected. Unlike non-sufferers, related anxiety prevents them from adopting a supine, passivity to global communication infrastructure and devices. Inactive as receivers or conveyors of information technology, they stay marginalised and shamed but acutely aware that it is EMR that has commandeered their cognition, damaged them somatically and detached them from a tangible, lived experience of their intimate world. For them, mobile phones bombard the mind with electrified data, sensory images flickering across vast platforms of unregulated, often morally harmful information. EHS means however, that they cannot be duped by social media that s/he is valued and their screen content can transform his/her reality into a quite unique, super wonderful, 2D personality.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters/Citizens for Safer Tech
“Not only do I not know what’s going on, I wouldn’t know what to do about it if I did.” George Carlin