I was unable to send an update last night (Sept. 20) because Shaw’s internet service went down. If we had VoIP (phone service via the internet), as is the case when service is provided using fibre optic cable, it would have gone down, too.
1) In California, a fire at a huge PG&E facility storing Tesla lithium-ion batteries caused a shelter-in-place due to concerns about toxins in the air. Another similar facility has had fires since opening 2 years ago.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Highway 1 reopened near Moss Landing, shelter-in-place lifted
“A battery fire at the PG&E battery storage facility led to the shelter-in-place advisory. A Tesla mega pack was destroyed by fire, the cause is unknown and no injuries were reported. The fire was reported just after one-thirty Tuesday morning….
The mega battery, one of 256 Tesla batteries at the PG&E plant, eventually burned out five hours later but it continued to smolder, raising concerns the lithium-ion batteries might be releasing toxins into the air. The shelter-in-place order was issued for Moss Landing and surrounding area. Highway 1 through the area was shut down. Businesses and storefronts were never allowed to open….
The PG&E plant just opened in April and according to a utility spokesman on the scene, the facility is capable of storing enough energy to power 275,000 homes for up to 4-hours.”
2) The most recent newsletter by Jean Hudon and Stoppons la 5G. You can get future newsletters by subscribing at:
Bulletin #10: Report on the Call for a moratorium on the expansion of 5G and +
3) In another excellent letter from Marcus Schluschen (see below), there is a link to an important report published in 2004 re. effects of living near cell towers. Since that time, at least in Canada, many, if not most, towers have multiple transmitters so the effects are likely more damaging, especially to children.
The Influence of Being Physically Near to a Cell Phone Transmission Mast on the Incidence of Cancer
“The result of the study shows that the proportion of newly developing cancer cases was significantly higher among those patients who had lived during the past ten years at a distance of up to 400 metres from the cellular transmitter site, which has been in operation since 1993, compared to those patients living further away, and that the patients fell ill on average 8 years earlier.”
From: Marcus Schluschen (name given with permission)
To: bunger@goldrive.ca, rstratton@goldriver.ca, kbegon@goldriver.ca, bpatrick@goldriver.ca, jsinclair@goldriver.ca, “Michael Roy” <mroy@goldriver.ca>, “Fire Chief Gold River John McPherson” <firechief@goldriver.ca>
Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2022 11:46:15 AM
Subject: 10 year cell tower study, by medical doctors
Ladies and Gentlemen of Council,
You received several emails from me regarding research on cell tower radiation, and its effects on all life. Industry routinely attacks any research, involving lab animals, and claims that it’s not relevant for us humans, even though it meets the Bradford Hill Criteria of Causality on all levels, the gold standard of medicine.
I’d like to emphasize, that this is not “my research”, but published, peer-reviewed science.
Below is a human cell tower study, by medical doctors from Germany. (requested by government) This is not an animal lab study, but a real life scenario, tracking the health of patients over a 10 year period, living near a cell tower.
I included both the long, as well as the condensed, one page version. This information should be shared with the entire community, and certainly with every council member.
Naila, Cell Tower Study, one example of many, showing adverse biological effects
This long term 10 year study was carried out by 5 medical doctors from the town of Naila, Germany, who kept medical files on all their patients. Unlike in Canada, people don’t move as much in Germany, so they were around through the duration of the 10 year study. I read the original German version, and can report that the cell tower they talk about is minute in size, compared to the monstrous cell towers we are facing today.
There are many more cell tower radiation studies like this, world wide. The most recent is the 10 year Ramazzini study on base stations/cell towers. In each case, they speak of declining health, illness, and premature death.
Long version:
The Influence of Being Physically Near to a Cell Phone Transmission Mast on the Incidence of Cancer
Following the call by Wolfram König, President of the Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz (Federal Agency for radiation protection), to all doctors of medicine to collaborate actively in the assessment of the risk posed by cellular radiation, the aim of our study was to examine whether people living close to cellular transmitter antennas were exposed to a heightened risk of taking ill with malignant tumors.
The result of the study shows that the proportion of newly developing cancer cases was significantly higher among those patients who had lived during the past ten years at a distance of up to 400 metres (1312.3 feet) from the cellular transmitter site.
Short version:
Microsoft Word – 07[1]. Eger-abstract.doc (dorontal.net)
The result of the study shows that the proportion of newly developing cancer cases was significantly higher among those patients who had lived during the past ten years at a distance of up to 400 metres (1312.3 feet) from the cellular transmitter site . . .
Please keep in mind, when this study was done, there were far fewer microwave transmitters mounted on cell towers, than today.
You also have to consider the cumulative exposure for children, who will be exposed even before birth.
Is it any wonder that our medical system is on the ropes, and near collapse?
Kind regards,
Marcus Schluschen
Cert. EMF Consultant
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters/Citizens for Safer Tech
“The meaning of things lies not in the things themselves, but in our attitude towards them.” Antoine de Saint-Exupery