1) The Broadband Association is working in both the US and Canada to expand fibre optical cable, in many cases working with industry with extending wireless but also with the intention of bringing FOC to the home without wireless components. The topics for these webinars appear to be ones about which many of us are concerned. Perhaps worth 30 min. once a month.
Registration is required: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/1684760102339399183?source=FBA
Broadband Industry Unites to Launch State Broadband Office Educational Webinar Series
“Today the nation’s leading broadband trade associations announced they will deliver a monthly educational webinar series to support the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) and State Broadband Offices with the implementation of the Broadband Equity, Access, and Development (BEAD) Program that will provide over $42 billion to state and territory broadband projects….
The webinar series will educate state broadband leaders, the NTIA, community leaders, and potential BEAD participants on the opportunities, challenges, and mitigation strategies related to the BEAD program and broadband deployment. Starting on September 14 at 1PM ET, (10 am PT) the 30-minute webinars will be held the second Wednesday of the month at 1 PM ET. The initial webinar dates and topics include:
September 14 – Supply Chain / Build America, Buy America
October 12 – Workforce Development
November 9 – Affordability
December 14 – Permitting / Rights of Way
January 11 – Cyber Security”
2) Monthly newsletter from EMR Australia with some articles I have not shared. Of particular note is “Bee assault and the Stockholm Declaration” by Dr. Olle Johannson.
(click on photos to enlarge)

EMR and Health
3) Jean Hudon, whose terrific letter to ISED was shared in a recent update, has a lot of good material about 5G on his group’s website.

Quebec Coalition to Combat Electromagnetic Pollution
4) Some interesting weekend reading: 26 new studies/papers reported by Dr. Joel Moskowitz with abstracts provided on his website. A quick scan shows one study that pertains to a frequency ISED plans on auctioning for 5G, 28 GHz.
(see www.preventcancernow.ca) “5G Electromagnetic Radiation Attenuates Skin Melanogenesis In Vitro by Suppressing ROS Generation”
Electromagnetic Radiation Safety

From: “Oona McOuat” (name given with permission)
To: “STS DGSO / DGOGS SST (IC)” <ic.stsdgso-dgogssst.ic@ised-isde.gc.ca>
Cc: “SSIInfo” <ssiinfo@islandstrust.bc.ca>, “Laura Patrick” <lpatrick@islandstrust.bc.ca>, “Peter Grove Islands Trust” <pgrove@islandstrust.bc.ca>, “Peter Luckham” <pluckham@islandstrust.bc.ca>, “David Marlor” <dmarlor@islandstrust.bc.ca>, “Stefan Cermak” <scermak@islandstrust.bc.ca>, “Gail Sjuberg” <gsjuberg@gulfislandsdriftwood.com>, “Elizabeth May” <elizabeth.may.c1@parl.gc.ca>, “Elizabeth May” <elizabeth.may@parl.gc.ca>, “simon kennedy” <simon.kennedy@ised-isde.gc.ca>, “francois-philippe champagne” <francois-philippe.champagne@parl.gc.ca>
Sent: Thursday, September 8, 2022 11:16:08 AM
Subject: Re: Rogers Communication Inc. (Rogers) tower proposal W2716 at Channel Ridge, Salt Spring Island
Attention: Susan Hart, Executive Director General, Spectrum Management Operations Branch, Spectrum and Telecommunications Sector
Dear Ms. Hart,
Thank you for your letter of August 30th, 2022, found below. (permission not given to include)
In regards to the Rogers-Channel Ridge, Salt Spring cell tower application, in it you say:
“ISED also confirmed with the Salt Spring Island Land Trust Committee (SSLTC), as the land-use authority, that they deemed their 2001 Cellular Antennae Proposal Form and Procedural Guideline to be obsolete at the time.”
This statement is troubling, to say the least, as a Salt Spring Local Trust Committee (SS LTC) staff report contained in the agenda package for the July 27, 2021 LTC meeting states:
“In preliminary discussions with staff, the proponent was advised the SS LTC has not adopted a telecommunications policy following ISED’s revoking of the 2001 Procedure for Cellular Phone Antenna Proposals and Letter of Understanding (due to dated procedural guidelines).
Clearly either ISED and/or the SS LTC made the decision to disregard the Cellular Antennae Procedural Guideline which the SSI LTC had voted by resolution to adopt on April 26, 2001. Given that it has been confirmed to me by David Marlor, the Director of Local Planning Services for the Islands Trust, that no further resolution either amending or revoking the 2001 policy had been passed at the time the Rogers Channel Ridge application was processed, it is evident the 2001 protocol was the policy that should have been followed for this Rogers-Channel Ridge siting.
That said – there were several requirements contained within that 2001 policy that were not met by the SS LTC or by Rogers, the proponent in this siting. These points can be provided in detail upon your request.
Further, if indeed somehow Section 122 (4) of BC’s Community Charter could be overridden in this matter, and this 2001 policy could have been cast aside by either ISED or the SS LTC with no formal or documented process having taken place to do so, as communicated to you in detail by my colleague Julian Clark in his email message of September 5, 2022, the other two procedural documents that could have been used in this siting, the “Islands Trust Draft Model Protocol” and ISED’s CPC-2-0-03, were not followed either.
Although a letter of concurrence is an agreement between a proponent and a local government and ISED does not generally permit citizens to intervene in antenna siting matters, clearly, public servants and elected officials are required by law and by an unspoken code of ethics to listen and respond to, and act upon, irregularities reported to you by citizens.
I trust you and those with the authority to rectify this situation will do so, thus ensuring that the public retains confidence in those we elect and hire to serve us and the public good,
All the Best,
Oona McOuat
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters/Citizens for Safer Tech
“There are some people who, if they don’t already know, you can’t tell ’em.” Yogi Berra