1) The Canadian government is offering the public an opportunity to provide comments about its plans to auction off sections of the mmWave portion of the spectrum for 5G. The deadline for submission of comments is Sept. 6. C4ST is holding a Zoom meeting to discuss why and how you should be participating. Full info about the agenda and how to join the meeting is at the link below.
The Federal government makes billions of dollars by selling portions of the spectrum to telecoms. This is a major conflict of interest — they lose money if they stop 5G or wireless in general. Please get involved.
C4ST Meeting & Call to Action – Deadline Sept 6th Ask for the halt of the auction of 5G mmWaves.
Learn more: Zoom Tuesday Aug. 23 7:30 pm ET, 4:30 pm PT.
5G Spectrum Frontiers – The Next Great Unknown Experiment on Our Children
See Environmental Health Trust for more information:
Canadian 5G mmWave spectrum to be auctioned off in early 2024. Deadline for comments is Tuesday, September 6th, 2022.
2) Another victory in the USA. A judge ruled that the 1996 Telecom Act did not apply to new wireless technology, such as microcells. It’s time that the Telecom Act in Canada was challenged, along with ISED’s Antenna Policy. All of these were written years ago to benefit the telecom companies and did not/could not anticipate having cell towers on poles mere feet from homes. The walls are beginning to crumble.
(click on photo to enlarge)

Victory in Flower Hill, NY!
Judge says village’s denial of small cell applications was legal and reasonable.
“In a landmark legal decision, Judge Frederic Block, Senior United States District Judge for the Eastern District of New York, found that the Village of Flower Hill, NY, was justified in denying the application of ExteNet (acting as an agent for Verizon Wireless) to place 18 small cell antennas in the Village.”
3) Electric cars, electric and magnetic fields. The government standards are not protective and people are not being told. Again US legal action, but the risk is the same in Canada.
The Electric Convection Oven
“There’s an interesting legal action under way against Nissan by a Georgia man named Josef Tater who claims the Leaf electric car he bought has made him physically ill via its electromagnetic (EMF) emissions. His attorney says that the Leaf emits as much as 31.3 mG (milligauss) of EMF radiation andat leastas much as 4.9 mG,which – according to the lawsuit – is several times the 2 mG level the man’s lawyers say is the maximum safe level….
If you cruise over to the Environmental Protection Agency’s EMF information page, you will find that there “are no U.S. Federal standards limiting residential or occupational exposure to electric and magnetic fields . . . ” The EPA refers to power lines but the relevant thing is there’s no EMF standard for cars, either.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“In the fight between you and the world, back the world.” Franz Kafka