For years now, Dr. Marc Arazi and the Phonegate team have fought to have the truth about cellphone testing to be made public. ANSES, which is the French equivalent to Health Canada and very similar in its stance to ignore science, has been challenged to answer questions and make public concerns raised about cellphones generally and, especially, 5G and 6G technology. Now Phonegate and other agencies are challenging ANSES’ failure to make public critical comments made regarding its report re 5G.
This could be a precedent for us — because Health Canada has long supported the standards set by ICNIRP which is biased toward industry saying that the only adverse health effect is heating. Truly, IMHO, Health Canada and ISED should be facing lawsuits.
(click on photos to enlarge)

This article is from April 2022:
Collective action against the ANSES public consultation on 5G
“Five associations* that participated in the public consultation opened by ANSES on the expert report and the associated opinion published on April 20, 2021 on “Population exposure to electromagnetic fields associated with the deployment of 5G communication technology and the related health effects” have sent an informal appeal to Mr. Roger Genet, Director General of the agency on April 12, 2022.
They intend, by this means, to challenge the decision of the agency to refuse to publish and take into account the comments they filed on this occasion, which has resulted in particular in the irregularity of the expert report and the opinion of ANSES, published on February 17, 2022.”
This is the “expert report” on 5G which is being challenged. It has not been translated into English, but the opinion document has.
Exposition aux champs électromagnétiques liée au déploiement de la technologie « 5G »
OPINION of the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety on “Population exposure to electromagnetic fields associated with the deployment of 5G communication technology and the related health effects” updating the opinion of 12 April 2021
“The conclusions of risk assessments previously conducted by ANSES (particularly in the 8.3 kHz-2.5 GHz frequency band) do not show any proven health effects for exposure below the regulatory limit values.” pg. 12/25
“In the absence of data on specific health effects at 3.5 GHz, the Working Group relied on the numerous scientific publications available in the current mobile communication frequency bands for 2G, 3G, 4G, Wi-Fi, etc. (between 840 MHz and 2.85 GHz) to assess possible associated effects. To date, expert appraisals based on these data have not been able to draw any conclusions about the existence of adverse health effects associated with these frequencies at exposure levels below the regulatory limit values.” pg. 16/25
ANSES uses ICNIRP’s theory that heating is to be the only adverse health effect of EMF and heating only occurs at extremely high levels of exposure. ANSES received many comments as part of the “public consultation” for its “expert report” but is refusing to address or even acknowledge critical ones. Instead, they show their bias by sharing comments by telecoms. Because of this bias and failure to consider independent scientific information, Phonegate and others have filed a lawsuit against ANSES.

5G: the masquerade of the ANSES public consultation challenged at the Administrative Court
“The scientific and technical information brought to the attention of ANSES in the context of this public consultation (ours and those of 11 other participants* in the same situation) seems to us, however, likely to result in more prudent future public positions on the potential health risks of 5G.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Half a truth is often a great lie.” Benjamin Franklin