1) SpaceX has lost its FCC funding for expanding its service. Not that this will stop it — money is no problem for Elon Musk. But this means more money is available for fibre optic cable (also called fiber gigibit broadband service). Satellite service has not proven to be as efficient or fast as promised, or as the people in rural areas need.
Starlink Rejected
“Yesterday in Washington, the FCC took a bold step forward in rejecting Elon Musk and SpaceX’s Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (RDOF) long form application, denying the company of the $885.5M award announced on December 7, 2020. This is a huge victory for the 640,000 families that had been previously relegated to Low Earth Orbit Satellite service as a result of the 2020 RDOF auction results.
Further, as these families that were designated as “Starlink locations,” they were at risk of being redlined from being eligible for fiber broadband from the $42.45B NTIA BEAD broadband infrastructure funding and other federal, state, and local broadband programs.”

FCC Cancels Starlink’s and LTD’s Broadband Satellite Grants Due to Risky Proposals, Failing to Meet Program Requirements
“Today, Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel’s FCC announced that it rejected the long-form applications from both Starlink and LTD Broadband. The FCC said that both Starlink and LTD “failed to meet program requirements,” submitted “risky proposals,” and that their “applications failed to demonstrate that the providers could deliver the promised service.”…
In a public notice that provided more detail, the FCC called Starlink a “nascent LEO satellite technology” with “recognized capacity constraints.” The FCC questioned Starlink’s ability to consistently provide low-latency service with the required download speeds of 100 Mbps and upload speeds of 20 Mbps. The FCC also cited Ookla speed test data showing declining Starlink speeds in the second quarter of 2022, “including upload speeds that are falling well below 20 Mbps.”…
The auction originally awarded $9.2 billion to 180 broadband providers. Rosenworcel has doled money out on a rolling basis as providers secure final approvals. “To date, the RDOF program has authorized more than $5 billion in funding to bring primarily fiber gigabit broadband service to over 3,000,000 locations in 47 states,” the FCC said today. “With support from this program, hundreds of carriers have already begun deploying these future-proof networks to connect unserved areas.””
2) This article appears in German but hit “translate” and English will appear. This is an example of a “scientist” who has supported the industry line via ICNIRP that there is no evidence of harm from EMF and now pushes this to stating that 5G is safe, too. Whenever you see a study or report with certain people’s names, you know what the conclusion will be.. and Roosli is one of those people. A lot of info here, very interesting reading. Important to know what industry will use to sell its dangerous product…
An examination of Prof. M. Röösli’s presentation of the study situation on non-ionizing radiation and 5G
The magazine Umwelt-medizin-gesellschaft 2-2022 publishes criticism of the article in Current Cardiology
“Background: The journal “Aktuelle Kardiologie” published the article “Health risk of mobile phone radiation?” in issue 10/2021. What will change with 5G?” with the message that there are no health risks from using this technology. Lead author is Prof. Martin Röösli, inter alia chairman of BERENIS, the Swiss expert group for non-ionizing radiation advising the government and member of the ICNIRP (International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection). From 2011 to 2018 he was a member of the Board of Trustees of the Swiss Research Foundation for Electricity and Mobile Communication. The article immediately became the basis for the articles “5G, ‘electrosmog’ and health: reassuring messages” in online medical portals with the core sentence: “A reassuring answer in a nutshell: So far there is no evidence of harmful effects of 5G technology.”
3) The US army wants soldiers to “wear technology”, including virtual reality and employing 5G. Imagine the implications of having these things on heads for hours at a time, living with wireless devices while fighting.
Army Wants “tech that can support and integrate everything from sensors to 5G and augmented reality headsets” for Ground Soldiers
“The Army wants a small business to supply tech that can support and integrate everything from sensors to 5G and augmented reality headsets, in an effort to “optimize the ground soldier’s ability to shoot, move, and communicate.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards.” Aldous Huxley