1) What a novel idea — a cellphone-free dining experience.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Jacket Required: Inside Tim Love’s Latest Italian Joint, Caterina’s
“While those dining might have to sweat for a few seconds before reaching the front doors of the restaurant —golf carts will greet patrons at the valet so people won’t have to walk — Love admits that his biggest hurdle will be requiring people to avoid using their cell phones.
Yes, you read that right, the booths, bar, and seats will be cell phone-free zones. Once one enters the restaurant, the host will “confiscate” devices — placing them in a bag and giving them back to the diner, only to be taken out of the bag once the person leaves the restaurant. The idea is to have patrons fully invested in the experience of dining at Caterina’s, ridding the restaurant of the annoyances a face-up smartphone brings to a dining table. However, if someone needs to get in touch with you, they can call the restaurant, and a host will bring a red rotary dial phone to your table — like the good ol’ days.”
2) Info about a National Call for Safe Technology Zoom meeting Aug. 12. This group is attempting to connect with other groups who might share our concerns. Please see their email in “Letters“.
“Just a quick email with the registration link and agenda for this Friday’s National Call for Safe Technology at 1pm EST/10am PST!
You can register in advance for the August 12th meeting here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYldu2orTouHdy3kXKaRXmEVRLDgrORCsyh
*After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Please see the agenda – which we’ve triple checked:
3) Dr. Joel Moskowitz’s library of abstracts of scientific papers are available at this site, including those for 22 new studies which cover many different areas of EMF.
Recent Research on Wireless Radiation and Electromagnetic Fields
“I have been circulating abstracts of newly-published scientific papers on radio frequency and and other non-ionizing electromagnetic fields (EMF) about once a month since 2016. Several hundred EMF scientists around the world receive these updates.
The complete collection contains more than 1,600 abstracts and links to more than 1,800 papers.
22 New Papers on Electromagnetic Fields and Biology or Health”
From: “Team CROC” <teamcrocssi@gmail.com>
To: “Team CROC” <teamcrocssi@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2022 9:50:16 AM
Subject: August 9th LTC meeting update
Good morning everyone,
We didn’t receive much new info at the LTC meeting yesterday. The board did share that they had a private meeting about the Rogers issue in the morning, and that they would be issuing an “open letter” to the community. We do not know when that open letter will be released. We do think that if they had good news, they may have told us during the meeting, so we are not very optimistic… BUT this doesn’t mean that we are stopping our efforts. We are still exploring political avenues and are continuing to pressure our LTC. Julian Clark and myself, Diana Pattison, spoke at the meeting, and one of our supporters from this group (thank you!!).
We are so appreciative of the moral and physical support we have received from so many of you. THANK you. We do not feel this fight is over… This is a long game, and we are sticking with it!
Sharing this editorial (see links below this letter) published in the Driftwood today, where (we feel) they are FINALLY giving a mostly accurate account of events and our position and efforts to stop the tower. As a reminder, we have taken a purely procedural approach to this argument because the Island Trust is mandated to NOT consider any health arguments when it comes to cell towers, as frustrating as that may be. They unfortunately (and in bad taste, I feel) refer to the “tin foil hat club”, which I feel is a dismissive and cliche phrase that seeks to devalue the experience of so many when it comes to EMFs. Hopefully Canada gets with the program as other countries have begun to do and provides data that validates the experience that so many have, and I know many on this email list struggle with.
Thanks again and will update when we have more info.
Diana from Team CROC
From: “Odette Wilkens, Jenny DeMarco” <info@wiredbroadband.org>
To: “Sharon Noble” <snoble19@shaw.ca>
Sent: Monday, August 8, 2022 8:09:21 PM
Subject: Who can join us?
Hi Sharon,
As we are all becoming more organized as a group, we can further increase our effectiveness by seeing if other groups would like to join in our efforts. To that end, please think of any organizations, e.g., environmental, civil rights, animal rights, diversity and inclusion groups, etc. who we can contact.
We would need the organization name and a contact with their email and phone number, if available. Please let us know if you’d be interested in helping with this outreach project by replying to this email.
We’ll be back tomorrow with this Friday’s National Call registration link!
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Important principles may, and must, be inflexible. “ Abraham Lincoln