1) The amount of data being stored already is straining the capacity of electrical grids in the UK (and perhaps elsewhere). Imagine the amount of energy that will be required when all the data from “smart” devices and 5G travel through the Internet of Things.
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Too Many Servers Could Mean No New Homes in Parts of the UK
“Data centers have caused skyrocketing power demand in parts of London. Now, new housing construction could be banned for more than a decade in some neighborhoods of the UK’s biggest city because the electricity grid is reaching capacity, as first reported on by the Financial Times. The reason: too many data centers are taking up too much electricity and hogging available fiber optic cables. “Data centres use large quantities of electricity, the equivalent of towns or small cities, to power servers and ensure resilience in service,” one of the GLA letters seen by the Financial Times reportedly said….
And between climate change and continued tech growth, things will likely only become more challenging. Europe’s recent heatwave made London’s data centers additionally demanding last week, when hot weather led to server failures at Oracle and Google. Even a massive amount of London’s available electricity isn’t enough to guarantee the UK’s data centers will be able to manage our new climate normal.”
2) Despite assurances that smeters would keep costs down, a study shows that a major utility company in Ohio has continued to increase rates, tariffs, etc. and continues to charge high fees for opting out. BC Hydro and FortisBC too claimed that smeters would keep costs down. It’s time someone did a study here of what has happened to BC Hydro’s rates over the last 10 years. Also, how much has been collected in opt-out fees since 2013 and how much has it cost for those manual readings of smeters with the transmitter turned off? Does this appeal to anyone?
“Despite growing Smart Meter complaints, ongoing rate increases and delivery riders have been approved by PUCO for Duke Energy Smart Meter technology. Ohio Consumers’ Council (OCC) and at least one local newspaper have also attributed the high number of service disruptions solely to the Smart Meter remote shutoffs. Of all the Ohio utilities, Duke has the highest percentage of shutoffs. This issue always comes up whenever Duke Energy makes application for a new rate increase for Smart Meters which happened again in 2021. In regard to this new proposed rate increase, an OCC representative said that Duke should reduce customer bills, not increase them….
The study itself concentrated on the hidden cost items on the bills which are the delivery riders for both gas and electric usage. The study reveals that Duke Ohio customers’ bills keep going up because of Smart Meters. There is a list of approved rate increases, riders, and tariffs included in the study.”
Growing Complaints About Ohio Duke Energy, Smartmeter Bills, Health and Safety

3) A newsletter from Julian Gresser, Chairman of BroadBand International Legal Action Network that is filled with information about what is happening in our skies and what BBILAN is doing to fight the proliferation of satellites. There are links to the very interesting webinars that have occurred.
Healthy Heavens Trust Update
“This is a long overdue Update on our Healthy Heavenly Trust Initiative. It contains an analysis of important trends, of actions already taken and new actions now urgently required, and the unchallenged assumptions underlying the accelerating commercial and military exploitation of Space.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.” Abraham Lincoln