1) Urgent call for volunteers on Salt Spring Island, Tuesday morning starting 8:00 am. More details below in Letters.
“Please read this important letter from the chair of Salt Spring Island Local Trust Committee (LTC), Peter Luckham, written to Michael Krenz at Rogers. The LTC formally requests that all construction activities at the proposed cell tower site be suspended pending the outcome of Islands Trust legal counsel review of materials associated with the application.
Rogers has ignored the LTC request and has cleared brush and broken ground to prepare the site for laying power conduits.
Unfortunately, the LTC has yet to enforce their request that construction activities be suspended. Our protest starting Tuesday at 8am will make it clear to Rogers contractors that our LTC, the land-use authority, has formally told them to stop. Please join us to get that message out!”
2) The ECI webinar on July 17 was excellent and, fortunately, Kate Kheel has provided the recording which has just been made available. It is long but well worth the time to watch it. Please share with friends, family, politicians, etc.
Here’s a link to the recording of the July 17th webinar to promote the European Citizens’ Initiative Project: “Stay Connected But Protected.” Please share around the world!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRLYwV9z2io (2.34 hours)
Using footage from the webinar, Sean Carney, from Safe Tech International, created a superb Promo Video which we hope will be shared as well to encourage as many people as possible to sign the Appeal:
Promotional video for the European Citizens’ Initiative, Stop5G Project
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tq9w1fsMRY (4:43 min.)
3) It is amazing that there are so many excellent, independent, peer-reviewed studies showing harm especially since any scientist who reports harm has a target on his back with the industry threatening his career, his funding and even his personal life. And this “war-gaming” continues. Perhaps that is why there are so many bent/twisted researchers — better to make money by working for the industry than being targeted for being honest.
“European Citizen’s Initiative (www.signstop5G.eu), YouTube video (26 minutes), Jul 24, 2022
Includes many EMF researchers: Henry Lai, Martin Pall, George Carlo, Michael Repacholi, Franz Adlkofer, Hugo Rudiger, Wilhelm Mosgoller, Ron Melnick, Fiorella Belpoggi, and Michael Kundi, and several investigative reports: Mark Hertsgaard, Microwave News, and Investigate Europe.”
(click on photos to enlarge)
Hello everyone,
With the July 20th SSI LTC letter in hand (https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Peter-Luckham-SSI-LTC-Letter-to-Michael-Krenz-Rogers-Communications-requesting-suspension-of-activities-at-Channel-Ridge-July-20-2022.pdf) we believe Tuesday morning may well be a turning point in our protest.
Please join us to help make a clear statement to both Rogers contractors and the RCMP that Salt Spring Islanders demand that the Local Trust Committee’s request to Rogers to suspend any development activities associated with the construction of the wireless telecommunications site at Channel Ridge be upheld.
See you at the entrance to the access road leading to the proposed antenna site – about 300 metres before the end of Canvasback Place. The more supporters we have, the more likely this will be a watershed event!
Big thank you from Team CROC!

From: Lavonne Garnett (name given with permission)
To: “Mayor&Council” <Mayor&Council@nanaimo.ca>
Cc: “Bonnie Henry” <Bonnie.Henry@gov.bc.ca>, “adrian dix mla” <adrian.dix.mla@leg.bc.ca>, “Nanaimo Bulletin” <editor@nanaimobulletin.com>
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2022 2:07:56 PM
Subject: Fwd: Birds on Texel Island
Sent: Thursday, 28 July, 2022 17:38:29
Subject: Fwd: Birds on Texel Island
Mayor & Council:
Please read Arthur Firstenberg’s research below, as an alert for all the decisions Nanaimo Mayor and Council make, and respond to let me know what steps/actions the City of Nanaimo is going to take to protect all forms of biology, such as human, wildlife, pets, insects, trees/plants from the harms of electromagnetic radiation. I know of people, who live in Nanaimo, who are feeling ill effects from the increase in radiation, with the added cell tower antennae over the past 2 years. Nanaimo’s decision to be a model 5G City should be raising eyebrows, and there is no “informed consent”, which sets up the City for liability, and an increase in health problems.
I, and others, wonder why neither Mayor Krog nor any City Councillor responded to my request to have electromagnetic radiation added to the UN Doughnut Economy model, under Environment, which the City has adopted. After all, to have a healthy and green economy, we need to include healthy elements, not harmful ones.
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.” Maya Angelou