People on Salt Spring Island: Please see urgent letter below.
1) C4ST Open meeting, Tuesday. Lots of good things on the agenda. There is a map that shows where cell towers are and how they are covering much of our country. Maintaining it is a difficult job, and I have mentioned to the fellow who does this that she should tell people that this map is not truly accurate. For example, it shows just one tower (implies one antenna) across the street from me. For several years, there have been 2 towers and 28 transmitters. So when looking at the map and numbers, realize it provides an indication only: the numbers are low, very low because most towers have more than 1 cell antenna.
Open Meeting – All Welcome
Tuesday, July 26th. 7:30 pm ET – Efforts to Remove Pittsfield, MA Cell Tower. (Full details for joining Zoom meeting.)
2) On Friday midnight/Saturday, some people on Salt Spring Island were sent an email at 12:12 am (when most people are asleep) saying there was going to be a “planned outage” at 1:00 am, in less than 1 hour. See the message below. No notice for a “planned” outage that possibly could cause major problems for people reliant on medical devices run by electricity. How could anyone “have a plan” when given no notice? BC Hydro continues to fail to take its customers’ safety and convenience into consideration.
“Please Note – 2 Short Duration Outages – July 23rd from 1:00am to 1:10am and July 24th from 1:00am to 1:10am
Prepare for the outage
Before the outage begins, turn off electric heaters, major appliances and unplug sensitive electronics to protect them from damage. If you rely on electric medical equipment or access doors, have a plan to maintain use.”
3) Both commercial and military pilots are exposed to extremely high levels of EMFs every time they fly, which could result in serious health effects, including disorientation and cognitive problems that could cause accidents. A major project is being undertaken to determine the effects on military pilots.
(click on photos to enlarge)

5G and electromagnetic fields
With more bandwidth, EMFs become stronger.
“Many hundreds of scientific studies have linked radio frequency EMFs to serious medical issues….
This may be significant to pilots. Nina Anderson, a retired corporate pilot who has built a second career as a respected consultant specializing in EMF issues, reports that jet cockpits are the most EMF-dense environments she has ever examined. Every flight instrument and radio contributes its share….
EMFs can affect us in ways that are especially important in the air. Known effects that appear within the duration of an average flight include fatigue, irritability, an inability to concentrate, and mild cognitive impairment resulting in task saturation, mistaken priorities, complacency, and spatial disorientation. Between 1993 and 2013, US Air Force pilots were involved in 72 severe accidents attributed to spatial disorientation….
ICEMAN appears to have been dormant for some 20 months, but in May DARPA issued a $371,000 grant to Spotlight Labs, specialists in human factors analytics in Haddonfield NJ, and Norwich University in Vermont. Engineers there will use 5 workstations to simulate EMF in the cockpit of an F-16 and identify any effects on experienced F-16 pilots.”

From: Team CROC <>
To: Team CROC <>
Sent: Monday, July 25, 2022 at 09:31:31 p.m. PDT
Subject: HEADS UP: Excavator delivered to cell tower site in Channel Ridge TODAY, July 25th
Hello from Team CROC!
Please keep watch for our email & social media blast that your help is urgently needed!
A large excavator was delivered at 4:45pm to the tower site.
We have confirmed the excavator is for the Rogers tower. Construction could very well start as of tomorrow morning. We will keep you posted… have your picketing garb at the ready!
Action to stop Rogers appears necessary and imminent. Please take a moment to let us know if you stand ready to help. Just fill in the attached anonymous Google form so we can determine the expected level of participation.
Thank you!
From one of our heroes about another of our heroes:

Le 25 juill. 2022 à 14:56, Magda Havas <> a écrit :
Hello everyone,
Could you please share this email with others who know Dr. Sam Milham.
I received an email from Dr. Sam Milham, who many of you have probably heard of. Sam is one of those rare individuals who has a sense for what is about to happen. His research is often on the leading edge of science. He thinks outside the box, which is so essential for anyone wanting to contribute to science. Some of you may know that Sam was the first (with Lloyd Morgan) to link dirty electricity with cancers among teachers in a California School. Sam also wrote about breast cancer in men exposed to a high magnetic fields. His contribution to childhood leukaemia was his paper on historical evidence that electrification caused the emergence of childhood leukaemia peak in both the US and Britain. He also wrote that electrification caused the 20th century epidemic of diseases of civilization. He’s published on ALS, diabetes, cancer among firefighters, contact current and much more.
His website lists his many publications and his book on Dirty Electricity: Electrification and the diseases of civilization.
Sam turned 90 years young this year, which is a great achievement! However, he also told me that he has pancreatic cancer, which is often incurable. I asked Sam if I could share this information with others and he said “yes”, hence this email.
Far too often we hear that someone has died before we even realize they were sick. This doesn’t allow us to say goodbye or to share some of our thoughts with that person. Yes we are able to celebrate an individual’s life but only once they have departed.
With this email, I am asking those of you who know Sam or who know of Sam’s contribution to science to reach out to say goodbye. How has Sam or Sam’s work touched your life?
Please share this email message with others and let Sam know what an amazing person he is, how much he is appreciated and how much he will be missed.
Sam’s email address:
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.” Elon Musk