For the rest of the summer I will be taking both Saturday and Sunday off. So the next update will be on Monday. Have a good weekend.
1) There are several issues here that are just unbelievable but one in particular that riles me is that more and more we cannot function without a cell phone. Ordering at a restaurant, making a purchase online, etc. requires a cell phone so that you can be “texted” to prove who you are.
I almost didn’t get back into Canada after spending the winter in the USA even though I had completed the ArriveCan on my laptop. They wouldn’t accept a paper copy. Nor would Customs accept my laptop info. I had to have a cell phone app. This is discrimination against those of us who do not carry a cell phone regardless of the reason. Without the help of the person at the ferry office in Washington I would not have been able to get home. This is NUTS !! How were the telecoms able to insinuate themselves into our daily lives like this?
Fully vaccinated senior ordered into 14-day quarantine for not using ArriveCAN
“A fully vaccinated Canadian woman was ordered into a 14-day quarantine after she refused to use the Trudeau government’s ArriveCAN app, True North has learned.”
(click on photos to enlarge)
2) Reminder of an event in Qualicum Beach on July 25. Details in “Letters” below.
3) Telecoms are capable of gathering personal data right down to a granular level, and have been doing so, even selling it to anyone (including stalkers) who is willing to pay. No doubt this is happening in Canada, too. Telus, for example, now has access to our medical records and health files. Are we protected from our personal data being sold to the highest bidder? Would CRTC tell us?
FCC chair tries to find out how carriers use phone geolocation data
Inquiry launched as Congress debates bill that could gut FCC’s privacy authority.
“The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is supposed to protect Americans by regulating the telecom industry. Instead, for decades, it has mostly catered to the industry which has led to numerous lawsuits filed against it (see 1, 2, 3). Currently, however, the FCC seems interested in preserving at least some of Americans’ right to privacy….
“Mobile Internet service providers are uniquely situated to capture a trove of data about their own subscribers, including the subscriber’s actual identity and personal characteristics, geolocation data, app usage, and web browsing data and habits,” the letters say. Under US communications law, carriers are prohibited from using or sharing private information except under specific circumstances.”
4) A war in space is deemed highly likely if a satellite is disabled. So one answer seems to be to put more satellites up, smaller ones in lower orbits. Meaning more RF reaching all parts of the earth.

U.S. generals planning for a space war they see as all but inevitable
“I think it’s the biggest threat facing our nation,” Kubasik said at the Space Symposium. A war in space would be “detrimental to society” because satellites play such a central role in everyday life for most people. “If you think of the impact of a war in space and how it impacts something as simple as our cellphones, navigation, supply chain, logistics, healthcare. I think it is a serious issue. And I think we have to continue to talk about it.”
The military’s reliance on commercial satellites for communications makes these systems one of the most likely targets of enemy jammers and cyber disruptions, said Travis Langster, vice president and general manager of Comspoc, a company that monitors space traffic and tracks orbital activities.”

Everyone Welcome, Parents, students, Teachers, Families: EMF Radiation, Cell Phones, Towers, Solutions and Safety – Protect and Educate your Families.
Welcome everyone Monday, July 25, 2022 at 7:00pm, to the Qualicum Beach Civic Centre for a presentation and discussion of Cell Towers and Wireless Radiation and how to protect your families. This is a free event.
Our guest speaker, Shelley Wright, B.A., B.Ed
retired 2 years ago after teaching 29 years because of the harmful effects of Wireless Radiation.
She is Director of Canadian Educators for Safe Technology, and spoke at Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario Annual meetings and wrote and passed inclusive wired/safe tech resolutions, annually for 7 years with 800 teachers present.
Marcus Schluschen, Certified EMF Consultant (radiation mitigation specialist)
Bring your Questions and cell phones, and we will offer a free meter reading for you following the presentation. Come and learn the latest updates on cell towers and wireless radiation to protect your family.
Hosted by:
Dr. Fred and Carol Dowe
Canadians for Safe Technology – Vancouver Island.
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“We are all here on earth to help others; what on earth the others are here for I don’t know.” W. H. Auden