1) Two interesting items from our friends at Virginians for Safe Technology. The second is about Mr.Mendoza, who suffers from EHS and how, for more than a decade, he has asked his city to allow an exemption so he can build a medically prescribed shielded shelter in his backyard where he can escape RF signals that are endangering his home. His letter requesting accommodation shares the history of deceit, disdain and ignorance that he has confronted and continues to confront.
Magda Havas shared two informative lectures with us by Dr. Deacon, one of which took place this morning. Here is a summary of an excerpt from Magda and the links below:
“Dr. Deacon gave an excellent lecture (Apr 27, 2022) explaining how electrosmog causes brain damage that he is able to map with his imaging technology. This technology can differentiate between EHS and other sources of neurological damage and, as such, can help to diagnose those with EHS.
In the lecture today, he talked about the power of light therapy. Although this is designed for the health care provider, everyone is invited to watch.”
Apr 27, 2022 Lecture: https://www.electrosensitivesociety.com/ess-doctors-series-2022/
July 13, 2022 Lecture – to be available within a couple of days here: https://www.electrosensitivesociety.com/resources/
–>Resources –>Video Resources –>ESS Doctors Series 2022
Jesus Mendoza has shared the documents (three total) for his case to reassign his lawsuit against the Commissioner of the Social Security to a senior Judge from outside the Rio Grande Valley, which you can view here:
2) Like the tobacco industry, the telecom companies have known for decades that wireless radiation is dangerous. The military knew it long before the telecoms starting selling it. But the evidence has been denied, hidden, bent by scientists who were immoral (e.g. ICNIRP). And probably, like the telecoms, the public will be told nothing and nothing will be done to make the products safer until there some major lawsuits . Lawsuits can result in publicity, even if the lawsuit fails or the financial payout is miniscule in comparison to the amount these companies make each year. Hopefully, this lawsuit will get some media coverage and will be the first of many.
(click on photo to enlarge)

Public ‘Not Being Told the Truth’ About Cellphone Radiation, Attorney Tells RFK, Jr.
“Hunter Lundy, a personal injury attorney and lead counsel on a lawsuit against the cellphone industry, joined co-counsel Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on a recent episode of “RFK Jr. The Defender Podcast.”
“Lundy is representing the family of the late Reverend Frank Aaron Walker. Walker died Dec. 31, 2020, at age 49, from a glioblastoma brain tumor — or what Lundy referred to as a “cellphone tumor.””
https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/cellphone-radiation-hunter-lundy-rfk-jr-podcast/ (a good 39 min. video)
Family of Pastor Alleges Cell Phone Radiation Link to His Deadly Brain Cancer
3) FBB (Fiber Broadband Assoc.) circulates a lot of information via their newsletters. Here is just one that I found interesting.
How Do Americans Connect to the Internet?
“Most broadband customers in the United States are connected to the internet by a wireline connection, which involves a physical line—typically using fiber optic cables, hybrid coaxial cable, or copper telephone wire—running to a structure. There are three primary types of wireline service: ….
More than 83% of people in the U.S. access the internet on their smartphones, tablets, or other mobile devices. And these devices are the only means of internet connection for 15% of Americans. “”
https://tinyurl.com/46sm8mpj (entire newsletter)
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools, that don’t have brains enough to be honest.” Benjamin Franklin