1) In France, Dr. Arazi and the Phonegate team’s efforts continue to result in some phones with SARs higher than 2W/kg (the French limit vs. 1.6W/kg in Canada) are being pulled off the market. So far, ISED has taken no similar action.
Dear supporter,
⚡️📱The list of #smartphones exceeding SAR has been updated following 3 new controls by the French national frequency agency
including the Samsung (Galaxy Note 10 Plus), Hisense (Infinity H 30) and Gigaset (GX290).
👉What is the European Commission waiting for to act in all European countries?
To protect your health, find our advice to limit your exposure to your smartphone
or https://tinyurl.com/yckupmz3
Posters can be downloaded.
Read and share our new press release,
The Team
The press release:
List of mobile phones with non-compliant SARs removed or updated in France
or https://tinyurl.com/5assbjfb
2) Please share this article widely. Environmental groups, farmers, beekeepers all need to know the science behind the disappearance of bees and other vital insects.
5G & Other Wireless Radiation Is Having A Detrimental Impact on Bees: Here’s The Science
“Colony Collapse Disorder is thought to be caused by a combination of several factors including pesticides, chemicals and parasitic infection. Importantly, researchers have proposed that the stress of ever increasing electromagnetic radiation exposure has weakened bee populations and added stress that then results in decreased ability to maintain their health when also exposed to increased pesticides, chemicals and infections. The bees resistance to environmental stressors is weakened by EMF exposure.”
3) A couple of weeks ago, a cell tower in Toronto caught fire. Rumor is circulating that this is a 5G tower, as if that is the reason for the fire. As far as I know, there is no reason for a 5G tower to be more likely to burn than any other cell tower. Cell tower fires are not all that rare, which is unfortunate, especially during a hot, dry summer.
Part of Yonge St. remains closed after fire at communications tower
4) It seems no matter what seems to help reduce energy usage or to reduce pollution it just seems to cause other problems. Any possible benefits are dependent on people being educated about the problem and being willing do to something (perhaps something that is a little inconvenient) about it.
(click on photo to enlarge)

Smart thermostat swarms are straining the US grid
Thousands of devices all clicking on at the same time is taking a toll on energy management systems
“Smart thermostats, those unassuming low-power gadgets designed to keep homes at comfortable temps, are having an impact far wider than most might have considered, according to recent data.…
A paper from Cornell University brings bad news for renewable energy enthusiasts – smart thermostats are secretly taxing the grid.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison