1) The Rogers outage provides a perfect opportunity to tell people about what is happening re copper lines being cut. When every article that I read said that people should use landlines to call 911, I saw nothing about the fact that land lines that use Rogers’ internet will not work either. The phones use the internet if the copper lines have been cut — and no one is being told what this means. No internet, no electricity —> no landline, no 911.

Please consider writing to your local newspaper (a Letter to the Editor or a Public Comment) before this recent problem is forgotten. If you want ideas for what to say, look at the July 5 update:
2) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2022-07-05-90-of-cell-phones-tested-in-canada-exceed-safety-code-6/
If you don’t have it, go to www.stopsmartmetersbc.com where updates are under “newsletters“.
If you write and would like to share, bcc me at: citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca. If many of us do this, we can get word out and perhaps someone in authority will pay attention.
2) A member sent me this article from 2008 because of what has been happening to infants in Brampton, Ontario hospitals and perhaps elsewhere. Exposed every 10 seconds to a wireless signal/pulse in the name of safety — supposedly to protect the baby from being stolen. How many babies have been damaged by EMF compared with the number of attempts to steal a baby?? Does anyone know if this is still going on in Brampton or in any hospital.? These wee things are exposed to wireless emissions of all sorts from the time they were conceived, and to massive amounts in hospitals. What does their future hold?
The Stanley Works announced July 18 it has completed the purchase of Ottawa-based Xmark Corp., a wholly-owned subsidiary of VeriChip Corp. for $48 million in cash.
“Xmark, whose headquarters and principal operations are located in Ottawa, develops, markets and sells RFID-based systems used to identify, locate and protect people and assets.
Xmark’s infant protection system, Hugs, was installed last year at the new Brampton Civic Hospital in Brampton, Ont. The system ensures full supervision of all components, including the tag, with each tag sending a “Heartbeat” status message every 10 seconds. If the system doesn’t receive these messages for a specified time period, an alarm is automatically generated. If someone attempts to cut the tag, an alarm is sounded and the system will show where the nearest receiver is located.”
3) A reminder about an international webinar to address the proliferation of 5G. Speakers and topics are at the link below. Registration is required.
Sunday, July 17th, 6:00 pm UK time 10:00 am PT time
“Safe Tech International is hosting a webinar to help “get the word out” about this critical and potentially life-changing Appeal, and to ensure the 27 European countries who collaborated on this effort, reach their goal of 1,000,000 signatures by March, 2023.”
Webinar to Promote the European Citizens’ Initiative Stop5G Project
4) A workshop next Sunday in Australia that is not being Zoomed. “The event is being recorded and will be available for viewing afterwards on the Oceania Radiofrequency Scientific Advisory Association’s (ORSAA) website at: https://www.orsaa.org/. ” The topic is 5G and its role in smart meters, surveillance, future technological development, plus health effects. It sounds like this would be a good recording to get.
(click on photo to enlarge)

5G & EMF Workshop, Sydney, 17 July 2022
5) A film recommended by Olle Johansson, which I have not watched yet.
“This film was directed by Mr Alessandro Quadretti with a cast of professional actors (Miss Lisa Granuzza Di Vita – a really electrosensitive lady – and Mr Savino Paparella) and technical support by OfficineMedia. This film has got visualizations and nominations by 5 green cinema festivals in Italy and abroad.
The costs were covered by a crowdfunding launched by A.I.E.
It’s free to be seen via the Web. There are subtitles in English.”
https://vimeo.com/724141518 (22 min.)
Best regards,
dr. Paolo Orio, president of the Italian Electrosensitive Association www.elettrosensibili.it
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison