1) Our group was missed but will be added in the next iteration of this call. We have to put more pressure on the Senators and this government to protect us and our environment. Here is a form with the information for groups wishing to sign on:
They can send the info email, their group information (contact, logo, website, email), and suggest that they share information including the contents of the newsletter and the links with environmental, naturalist, beekeeping, farming and other groups, and educators and academics who might be interested in signing on. We need a bigger chorus. Please share widely with any social groups — networking can help get this through.
“Wireless” radiation pollution still ‘flying below the radar’ in Canadian law
17 health and environmental groups call for amendments to the Canadian Environmental Protection Act
“July 7, 2022 – In a Joint Statement: “Radiofrequency Radiation Belongs in the Canadian Environmental Protection Act,” 17 Canadian non-governmental Organizations, representing tens of thousands of Canadians, call for the Government of Canada to investigate a pollutant that is pervasive in today’s environment, but has yet to receive the attention it deserves.”
2) On the very same day that Connected Coast brought its fibre optic cable to this area, Telus announced that it’s bringing high-speed wireless. Coincidence?? I sure hope that the people there and in the other remote communities that will be getting fiber realize the benefits of fibre, benefits that wireless can never match — and question why Telus is bringing faster internet only now.
Telus invests $10M to improve connectivity in Haida Gwai
“More than $10,000 in Telus-funded upgrades will benefit Queen Charlotte and Skidegate after the company’s June investment in the broadband and cellular services, the telecommunications organization announced on July 4.
Residents in these communities can now access high-speed internet up to 120 megabits per second through the Telus company, Mascon. For the first time, those living in the communities will also be able to access high-speed wireless voice and internet services.”
3) In areas with lots of users, e.g. North America, Starlink is not providing the speed promised. Musk’s answer is to put more and larger satellites in the already cluttered sky.
(click on photo to enlarge)

Starlink Satellite Service Showing Its Age (Already)
“The June 2022 Ookla data tries to spin a rosy picture of SpaceX’s Starlink satellite internet performance since its November 2020 public beta launch, but the third paragraph down provides the ground-truth realities. Early Starlink users on Reddit who once swooned over the service because they had the only dish in town – literally – now find their once-speedy connections slowly sliding back to DSL/basic cable-esque performance with more people on the system. The performance slide comes at a time when SpaceX is trying to get its next-generation Starship off the ground, the only rocket capable of carrying its satellites in sufficient quantities.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“It takes two to speak the truth: one to speak, and another to hear.” Henry David Thoreau