1) As in Canada, in Germany those who rent property to telecoms to erect or install a cellular tower or antenna could be held liable for those who suffer health effects as a result. In Canada, the telecoms are indemnified by the government so long as their emissions are below Safety Code 6 — which they will be — but the property owner is on his own. And I wonder if the municipal authorities who do not fight applications for cell towers, even after being shown strong evidence of potential harm, could also be held liable. Due diligence…..
German court finds property owners can be liable for health impacts from base station antennas on their property
“A German court has clarified in a lawsuit that property owners who rent space for base stations and mobile towers assume responsibility for health consequences of the activity. Although the radiation is lower than the relevant reference values from the authorities, this does not mean that the property owner is not responsible for negative health consequences. According to Björn Gillberg, the same responsibility principles also apply in Sweden….
Furthermore, the lawyer states that the mere fact that the limit values are complied with does not mean that the liability for damages is removed:
“Even if telecom operators repeatedly claim to comply with the limit values when operating their facilities, this does not in any way exclude liability on their part or on the part of the property owner. On the contrary, the Federal Court (in Germany) has repeatedly stated that producers or operators cannot liberate themselves by referring to the official limit values if they know or should have known of additional harmful effects, etc. This is obvious even today, since even the majority of scientific studies show additional effects and harmful effects even though the radiation is lower than the limit values.”
or https://tinyurl.com/2p9dmfkz
2) An interview with Theodora Scarato, from a year or so ago, in which she explains about the false/incorrect information that many agencies, not just the FCC, put on their website. For example, the National Cancer Institute. The same is true of the BC and Canadian Cancer Societies. Sad but true that the Cancer Societies have been supporting dangerous, cancer-linked industries for decades. Dr. Sam Epstein outed them decades ago. See the second link in this item.
The FCC Is A Captured Agency That Puts Forward Industry-Friendly Information Of Half-Truth
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iP_2rzKQV5o (8 min.)
The American Cancer Society (ACS), “More Interested In Accumulating Wealth Than Saving Lives,” Warns Samuel S. Epstein, M.D.
3) From Dr. Magda Havas: “Dr. Deacon gave an excellent lecture (Apr 27, 2022) explaining how electrosmog causes brain damage that he is able to map with his imaging technology. This technology can differentiate between EHS and other sources of neurological damage and, as such, can help to diagnose those with EHS.
In the upcoming lecture he talks about the power of light therapy.
(click on photo to enlarge)

The ElectroSensitive Society is Hosting: Webinar #2 with Dr. Corey Deacon
Date: Wednesday, July 13, 2022
Time: 11 am Eastern; 8 am Pacific
Duration: 90 minutes
Cost: free but registration is required.
“The purpose of this webinar series is to help doctors assess & treat patients with electromagnetic sensitivity (EMS) or electromagnetic illness (EMI). We will be featuring novel ways to assess and treat patients and will be presenting new developments in wireless technology and policy that affect doctors and their patients.
This webinar series is designed for health care providers and medical doctors but anyone interested in EHS is welcome to attend. Please register for this free event and sign up to receive notifications of upcoming webinars.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe