1) As a result of Phonegate and Dr. Arazi’s investigation, I wanted to see what testing is done on cell phones in Canada. It has taken more than 2 years to get even the basic testing information from ISED, and I am waiting for more details. While Health Canada sets SAR limits (testing on plastic heads), ISED is responsible for monitoring and enforcing, but it doesn’t. And despite the fact that I’ve sent info about the phones with high emission levels when tested by Phonegate or the Chicago Tribune, none of those phones have been tested.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Canada: 9 out of 10 cell phones exceed regulatory limits in real use
“In March 2022 after two years of waiting, the Canadian agency, Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED) sent to our contact, Sharon Noble, the list of test results of 90 smartphones whose SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) had been monitored between 2015 and 2021.
The SAR is an indicator supposed to protect the health of users. However, the Canadian agency had omitted to specify the SAR measurement distance between the cell phone and the body. We now understand why: according to new data (requested from the ISED, received in a letter on June 8, 2022), 9 cell phones out of 10 would far exceed the regulatory thresholds during real use of the phone in contact with the body.”
Below is the testing information referenced in the press release. In the letter from ISED, you will note that Beauvais said this (which is a frequent statement by ISED and Health Canada):
“For rows pertaining to Razer, ISED expedited a request to Health Canada for a health impact assessment. Health Canada confirmed the levels were below the threshold for any adverse health effects.”
The “threshold ” is heating — a thermal effect — ICNIRP’s definition. Safety Code 6’s SAR is being ignored.
Here is the testing information, with distances and SARs. The testing for the body is done at a distance determined by the tester (manufacturer?) — there is no rule or testing requirement that the test must replicate real life where phones are put in pockets or bras. I am still trying to understand why/how the SAR levels are lower when the phone is next to the head than when the phone is 10-15mm from the body. This seems illogical to me.
2) I am still working on the NG 911 issue which means many will be without landline emergency calling (911 service) during a prolonged outage. Why isn’t this information getting more attention? All of us should be writing to the various agencies and to the media before it’s too late. Once this has been achieved without any resistance, it will be too late.
Here is the history of most of my correspondence, with email addresses. My most recent response (July 4) is below in Letters. Please consider writing to the people to whom I’ve written — one voice is easily ignored. I need help with this. Take any part of my letters, if you wish, to write your own. Note that it took months for the Office of Emergency Preparedness [https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/emergency-preparedness-response/centre-emergency-preparedness-response/office-emergency-preparedness.html] to respond, and when it did on January 14, 2022, it did not address my concerns but rather spoke about the importance of the new NG 911 service that will allow videos, pictures, texting, etc. Emergency Preparedness is not concerned — no agency is. We must try to get the media to understand how important this is.
3) Another instance of a community suffering because a cell tower was put in its midst — and more antennae keep being added.
Massachusetts Here’s the Church, Here’s the Steeple, Put in a Cell Site and Hear from the People
“Neighbors near a tower in a church steeple in Centerville, MA are complaining about health issues related to electromagnetic radiation exposure. The Cape Cod Times reported that recent electromagnetic readings show a three-times increase compared with the previous analysis. The T-Mobile tower, which houses six antennas, was placed in the steeple in April 2021.
Symptoms “have been kind of accumulative” over the past year and most recently increased dramatically, according to Janet Davis, chairwoman of the Concerned Citizens group. Davis owns a store next to the church and says she and her employees are experiencing physical symptoms including headaches, brain fog, heart palpitations, ringing in the ears, and extreme nausea. According to Davis, the closer you are to the antenna, the higher the radiation readings.”

From: “snoble19” <snoble19@shaw.ca>
To: “claude doucet” <Claude.Doucet@crtc.gc.ca>
Cc: “Sec-Gen” <sec-gen@crtc.gc.ca>, “marketplace” <marketplace@cbc.ca>, “pablo rodriguez” <pablo.rodriguez@parl.gc.ca>, “Bill Blair” <Bill.Blair@parl.gc.ca>, “Linda Carey” <Linda.Carey@gov.bc.ca>, “advocacy” <advocacy@carp.ca>, “info” <info@consumerprotectionbc.ca>
Sent: Monday, July 4, 2022 4:47:04 PM
Subject: Re: Request #4 to you, #8 in total 911 service threatened
Dear Mr. Doucet,
Thank you for your email of July 4. You should notice that the email sent to me on January 24 had the incorrect email address so I never received it. But now, having read it, despite your belief that my concerns have been addressed, I must respectfully disagree.
The Jan. 24 email states: “A deadline for providing NG9-1-1 real time text messaging services to the general public will be set at a later date. These network updates will have no effect on current access to 9-1-1. Anyone in need of emergency help will still be able to dial 9-1-1 as they do today. For more information on NG9-1-1: https://crtc.gc.ca/eng/archive/2021/2021-199.htm ” How is this to be achieved if the current networks are to be decommissioned in order to accommodate voice over the internet (VoIP) / digital phone service? This decommissioning means to the carriers, e.g. Telus, that the copper lines will be disabled. All communication will be over the electricity-dependent internet as part of the new NG 911 phone service.
Granted NG 911 offers services that were not readily available in the past, but no one has answered how people without cell phones or cell service will call 911 without copper landline service. Even people with cell phones often have need of a landline. Cell phones are not the panacea that CRTC seems to believe they are. They break; they malfunction; they run out of power; they lose connection with cell towers. Then what?
There must be a solution that takes all Canadians’ needs into consideration. Having to buy additional batteries or a generator in order to have service is not acceptable — and this is what I’ve been advised by Telus and CRTC. What if people cannot afford these? But more important, why should we have to buy them? It is CRTC and the telecoms that are requiring this loss of copper line service, and remember that 911 access is guaranteed.
I have a proposal to which I would like a response. CRTC or the carriers, such as Telus and Bell, should provide several back up batteries for all their VoIP customers. This may not be sufficient to solve the problem in the event of a very long outage, but it would assist greatly for the vast majority of outages.
I do look forward to receiving your thoughts on this idea.
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“In any bureaucracy, there’s a natural tendency to let the system become an excuse for inaction.” Chris Fussell