1) A new paper showing the incestuous relationship within ICNIRP and IEEE, where a mere handful of members use sleight of hand and deception to maintain the current dangerous EMF guidelines to which Health Canada and the US subscribe. Often Health Canada says that it’s OK for cell phones (and perhaps other wireless devices) to exceed Safety Code 6 because the levels do not reach those that have been determined to cause harm/heating (ICNIRP’s standard).
Please share widely. Experts have been lodging complaints about ICNIRP for years, and nothing has been done. It will be through public pressure that Health Canada acknowledges independent scientific evidence instead of bowing to industry’s trusted friend, ICNIRP.
(click on photos to enlarge)

“We analyzed in great detail the authorships on which the ICNIRP 2020 guidelines for radiation protection against “non-ionizing” radiation are founded. Our analysis shows that the new guidelines from ICNIRP, still based on the myth that radiation from radio and lower frequencies may only cause harm when causing overheated tissue, are underpinned and justified by the authors referring to themselves and their co-authors in their own small network, constituting a narrow circle of ICNIRP affiliated co-authors – though hidden behind a variety of first authors. In a way like sending Christmas cards to oneself to create the impression of having a lot of friends.”
New Paper on How ICNIRP Authors Cite Themselves To Support Their Claims In Conflict With Science
2) Connected Coast continues to progress in its work to connect communities to fast, safe, and secure fiber optic cable.

High-speed connectivity cable arrives in Haida Gwaii
“The $45.4-million Connected Coast project has reached a new milestone with 87 kilometres of fibre-optic cable stretching across the seabed of Hecate Strait, which will bring high-speed connectivity to Haida Gwaii….
On June 29, 2022, the cable-laying ship arrived in Tlell and began laying cable across Hecate Strait toward Bonilla Island, building backbone infrastructure for high-speed connectivity in Haida Gwaii. Network commissioning and activation activities are expected to occur over the coming months and will begin once this section of cable laying is complete. The Connected Coast project is expected to be complete by March 2023.”
3) Rogers is pushing through with its cell tower on Channel Ridge on Salt Spring, BC. Below in Letters are full details about the flawed approval process.
Rogers would like to invite interested members of the public to attend an online discussion forum regarding the new cell tower at Channel Ridge (located at Channel Ridge, Salt Spring Island, next to the existing TELUS tower). Rogers will be starting construction of the facility in the near future and would like to take an opportunity to have a discussion with interested community members to review any outstanding concerns and/or questions.
You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: Jul 7, 2022 05:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Community Update – ROGERS Telecommunication Tower
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Passcode: 074938

From: “oonasong” (name given with permission)
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2022 10:33:25 PM
Subject: Please Attend – Rogers Zoom meeting July 7 re: Channel Ridge Tower
Hi Everyone,
Wishing you a sunshine-filled Holiday weekend!
Unfortunately my news is not so sunny.
Rogers is planning on beginning construction of their Channel Ridge Cell Tower soon. The LTC has ignored my point that our protective 2001 cellular antenna protocol was not followed in this siting, which forced us to use ISED’s default process. In my mind, this makes the whole siting procedure invalid.
In response to the LTC’s request that Rogers host a community meeting, Rogers is holding a Zoom meeting (invite and link below) on Thursday, July 7 at 5:30 pm to “review any outstanding concerns and/or questions.”
Although Rogers will be in control of the mic and the meeting, the more of us that are there, voicing our lack of support for this project and the process used to pave its way, the better.
I am attaching (see link) the letter I wrote to the LTC before their regular June 2022 meeting, as it outlines in greater detail why I believe the siting process was flawed. This letter, which was sent on June 4, was not included in the June agenda package, but a letter sent by Rogers on June 7th was.
To join the meeting on July 7, click the link below.
Subject: Town Hall Meeting – ROGERS Telecommunication Tower Proposal – W2176 at Channel Ridge, Salt Spring Island
Rogers would like to invite interested members of the public to attend an online discussion forum regarding the new cell tower at Channel Ridge (located at Channel Ridge, Salt Spring Island, next to the existing TELUS tower). Rogers will be starting construction of the facility in the near future and would like to take an opportunity to have a discussion with interested community members to review any outstanding concerns and/or questions.
You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: Jul 7, 2022 05:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Community Update – ROGERS Telecommunication Tower
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Passcode: 074938
Or One tap mobile:
US: +13462487799,,81646412397#,,,,*074938# or +14086380968,,81646412397#,,,,*074938#
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Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
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Webinar ID: 816 4641 2397
Passcode: 074938
International numbers available: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kSCDlGicy
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools, that don’t have brains enough to be honest.” Benjamin Franklin