1) This C4ST Open Meeting will be filled with important news. The complete agenda and details needed to join the meeting are provided at the link.
(click on photos to enlarge)

C4ST Open Meeting — All Welcome
Tuesday, June 28, 2022 7:30 pm ET, 4:30 pm PT
Part 1: To Be Exposed or Not To Be Exposed… to Wireless Radiation
Canadians should have a say
2) The BCUC proceeding regarding FortisBC’s application to allow a “smart” gas meter is ongoing and interested/concerned people can still make comments. It is vital that BCUC knows that many people ARE concerned, and for many reasons. You can read the comments at this link https://www.bcuc.com/OurWork/ViewProceeding?applicationid=889 under Section E.
I hope you will consider writing a comment with your concerns. Remember, silence is acquiescence. The process is simple but to help, I’ve included some information below in Letters.
3) A wonderful new website created, very cleverly and beautifully, by Oona McOuat, devoted to 5G, with all sorts of great information to read, use or share.
5G or Safe G?
“People all over are awakening to the nonsense of 5G and wireless tech. You too can join the safe tech movement, re-envisioning what healthy, community-controlled telecommunications networks look like. 5G depends upon microcells. But microcells depend upon fiber optic cables, which transmit data at the speed of light.. “
4) On Sunday night, CBS had an episode about the people in various countries suffering “Havana Syndrome“. Recently, it was announced that there would be compensation paid to some of the victims (those who experienced brain trauma) but the rules are still not clear.

What is clear is that many of the victims were children, from what seem to be directed attacks, perhaps from some weapon emitting EMF waves. Here is a CBS overtime with parents describing what happened to their children.
The Youngest Victims of ‘Havana Syndrome’
https://www.cbsnews.com/news/havana-syndrome-children-60-minutes-2022-06-26/ (6:14 min.)

How to submit a Letter of Comment to BCUC:
1) When filling out Letter of comment Submit a Letter of Comment – BCU https://www.bcuc.com/forms/LetterOfComment
2) Under “Proceeding name” you need to select “FEI CPCN for the AMI Project”. under “Are you currently registered as an Intervener or Interested Party?” you chose/click on “No” if you are not.
3) Copy your drafted comments and paste into the box.
4) Comments *
Please specify the reasons for your interest in the proceeding, your views concerning the proceeding, any relevant information that supports or explains your views, the conclusion you support and any recommendations. The BCUC may disallow comments that do not comply with the Rules of Practice and Procedure.
5) Please enter a comment about your submisson.
6) Under “Additional documents”
If you would like to attach additional documents, please upload them here. [[[here you click on “Chose Files”, which will open your computer files, select your just downloaded/saved file.
7) Click on “Submit”.
Please let me know if you have any problems. Email me at: citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca with “Help with Comment” on the subject line.
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Nothing strengthens authority so much as silence.” Leonardo da Vinci