1) Mercury has been known to be toxic for some time, yet dentists are still using amalgams with mercury, which EMF exposure can release into the body.
Mercury Release from Dental Amalgam Fillings and Microleakage? A Systematic Review
“Our review shows that exposure to static magnetic fields (SMF) such as those generated by MRI, electromagnetic fields (EMF) such as those produced by mobile phones; ionizing electromagnetic radiations such as X-rays and non- Ionizing electromagnetic radiation such as lasers and light cure devices can significantly increase the release of mercury from dental amalgam restorations and/or cause microleakage.”
(click on photos to enlarge)

Why Is Mercury So Dangerous
2) The number of satellites orbiting the earth right now is huge, but the number in the planning stage is staggering. The effects of the pollution associated with the launches is helping to destroy the earth and the atmosphere upon which all life on earth depends.
The Hidden Problems of Rocket Launch Sites
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IU5Tex6Aw80 (13:51 min.)
3) Connected Coast launched its first fibre optic network in June and is busy working on providing internet service via fiber to many other coastal communities.
I asked what type of ONT (Optical Network Terminal) they are using and they provided the following. It’s great that they have one that is completely Wi-Fi-free. I hope to get technical info about the Wi-Fi ONT. I also am asking if Connected Coast is recommending the wired option which will provide faster, safer and more reliable service than Wi-Fi.
“We use multiple ONT’s depending on the scenario. For customers that require WiFi we install a Calix U6x which combines the ONT and Router into one device. For businesses or customers who would like to utilize their own router or WiFi equipment we utilize the Calix GP4200XH which is a stand-alone ONT with CAT6 output and no routing or WiFi capabilities.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
Wishing us all a lovely summer that is promised on June 21.