1) For years I’ve been gathering, and a member has charted, information about smeters in other provinces and in the USA to compare the outrageous way BC Hydro has treated, and continues to treat, its customers with other utilities’ practices. I recently shared this chart with a US group and, in response, received a very interesting letter from someone in Florida. Her utility’s practice is not that different from BC Hydro’s. Her letter is below.
(click on photos to enlarge)

If you look at the chart, you will see that BC Hydro’s opt out practices, the fees charged, and the length of time they are charged are among the most egregious I’ve found. It’s time for BC Hydro to eliminate the fees and provide a full accounting of the money collected and spent as a result of allowing a small percentage of its customers to opt out.
2) A new device to enhance 5G reception, allowing up to 32 devices to be connected at the same time. Hotter RF radiation!!
T-Mobile Will Offer 5G Hotspots which “usually have better antennas over a phone”
“In fact, one critic recently described it as a “complete hot mess.” Nevertheless, T-Mobile will soon be offering its first 5G hotspot….
The device – available starting next Thursday, June 16 – taps into T-Mobile’s 600 MHz Extended Range 5G for nationwide coverage, as well as Ultra Capacity 5G, or 2.5 GHz, for super-fast speeds “in hundreds of cities.”
The 2.5 GHz signals aren’t as widely available as those on the lower-band 600 MHz, but the carrier has set a goal of reaching 260 million people covered with the mid-band spectrum this year. It already covers 225 million people with the 2.5 GHz spectrum, which it acquired thanks to Sprint….
Users of the new hotspot device can connect up to 32 devices for simultaneous connectivity.”
3) All about the World EHS Day 2022

“At present, many EHS people are hiding, let’s show solidarity, think of them and give these whistleblowers the visibility they deserve through symbolic acts.
I count on you to find original and creative ways to underline the impossibility for them to go to public places that are too polluted.”
Zoom event hosted by Massachusetts for Safe Technology
World EHS Day Zoom Event!
Thursday, June 16, 8 p.m. Eastern
On this global day of recognition for EHS, we listen to the stories of those injured, lift up their voices and share solutions for creating accessibility and justice.
Join us to celebrate the strength and resilience of the EHS community, to learn about this illness and engage in creating an equitable and inclusive world for all those who suffer.
We will share resources for those with electromagnetic illnesses and their loved ones, health care teams, municipal leaders, schools and legislators.
Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYpd-Cgpz4sGdITg5YnVSmYP0rm-i7PiqSJ
4) This item is for those in the USA as part of the ongoing effort to have EHS taken seriously as a disability by the US federal agencies.
“Susan Foster is tracking the incidents when federal agencies failed to accommodate for EMS/EHS disability, and we’re looking for documented examples you or someone you know may have received from one of our federal agencies saying they cannot accommodate you/others with EMS/EHS disability.
If you’ve submitted FOIAs looking for such examples and have received responses from a federal agency, have proof that the DOJ specifically is not supporting EMS/EHS disability accommodation requests, and/or received letters from the agencies suggesting they have been told, generally, specifically or inferred, to stand down when it comes to accommodating us, please reach out to Susan Foster at: susan.foster@dotlaw.biz with that information and the wording of your FOIA including dates.
Thank you in advance for your help.”

If you’re wanting additional material, see below for info on local FL utility Clay Electric (a beast of a utility to deal with IMO – in CA we used to have SoCal Edison with a $10/m fee that capped out after 3 years. They were amenable to removing the smart meter and replacing with an analog after the fact, although it took them 9 months to reverse the wrongful installation).
Clay Electric (largest private co-op in US actually, to my knowledge, despite claims to be a “small member owned co-op”) have in place a $30/month opt-out fee to maintain a DIGITAL meter. NO ANALOGS ALLOWED. It also appears that their opt-out program may be closed now, no new members allowed to register. Have not followed up directly on this.
We fought several years ago tooth and nail to get them to reduce their astronomical proposed fee of $60/month and won (I even gave a speech at 5 months pregnant, insisted on standing in front of the board and exceeding my 1 minute slot by 19 minutes much to the chagrin the board members and their lawyer :-).
Of note, upon questioning them as to how they derived their originally proposed fee of $60/month, their lawyer immediately excused such a fee as being a boon to member-owners, a privilege to even opt-out, and that their fee was approved by the Florida Public Service Commission (direct lie, I contacted our FPSC rep afterward and he said no such thing was true – they only place utility paperwork on file, and are exempt from giving any input, whether approval or denial, since Clay is a private member-owner co-op and not a public utility! This hardworking for-the-people FPSC rep was soon replaced in office a year later, likely because he advocated for several Clay Electric members who were fighting to have their smart meters removed and digital installed where Clay was being delinquent and intentionally refusing).
I’ve since received anecdotal reports from new home owners who have been banned from opting out now, despite either building a new home or moving into a home that was previously an opt-out. So it would appear their opt-out program is actually “closed”. Many, many folks are outraged, many can’t even afford the opt-out. One guy had his power viciously cut in presence of armed police due to his refusal to accept smart meter or digital opt-out.
(Of note: my digital opt-out meter BROKE within the first 4 months following installation and the screen could not even be read!! Their reps had come to my door a year prior touting that the old analogs are unreliable, don’t last long, and aren’t manufactured anymore… I promptly corrected them on all those points, and proved it months later in that ironic twist of events).
It’s been crazy and I’ve since stepped away from the public grassroots efforts, they’re unbeatable and backed by some powerful elite forces. However, I’m always interested in keeping up with this topic periodically. Thanks for compiling this list. Very helpful for records and future use.
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be.” Khalil Gibran