1) It seems rather odd that the government bans Huawei from participating in 4G and 5G networks and from selling their equipment in Canada, but Huawei can still participate in R&D at universities, designing our technologies and infrastructure.
Morning Update: Canadian universities still partnering with Huawei despite 5G ban over security
“When the Trudeau government announced on May 19 that it would bar Huawei from selling 5G equipment to Canadian telecommunications companies, it did not take action against Huawei’s extensive dealings with Canadian universities. Huawei spends roughly $25-million annually on university R&D projects aimed at the development of advanced communications technologies including 5G and 6G wireless.
The company participates in research programs, often as a sponsor, at about 20 Canadian postsecondary institutions including the University of Toronto, University of British Columbia, McGill University, Carleton University, University of Calgary and the University of Waterloo.”
See article re. the banning of Huawei from selling or participating in 4G and 5G networks.
2) Excellent info is available on this site (which can be translated into English).
(click on photos to enlarge)

The trade journal ElektrosmogReport is in its 28th year. Four times a year she discusses new studies on possible health effects, especially from mobile phone radiation. The study database EMFdata.org lists 505 studies that show the effects of radio radiation, 320 of these studies have been evaluated in detail by EMF:data.”
New study shows cell phone radiation disrupts trees during sex
“Stuttgart, June 8, 2022: A recent study by the University of Bartin, Turkey, shows very impressively how the number of blossoms, the number of cones produced and the germination capacity of these cones in the Turkish pine (bot.: Pinus brutia) are caused by the radiation from a mobile phone transmission mast is massively reduced. To do this, the researchers counted flowers and cones at a distance of 100 to 800 meters from the transmission mast: the trees 100 meters away have 11 times fewer male and female flowers and 7 times fewer cones.Only 33% of the seeds collected 100 meters away germinate successfully in contrast to 91% germination success for the seeds collected 800 meters away from the cell phone tower (see graph).Apparently, mobile phone radiation damages the ability of trees to reproduce.“
3) I cannot cut and paste a section about this incident that caused great inconvenience. Interesting that it is reported that “older” (aka non-fiber) connections worked. The dependence on electricity for phone service must be made public and dealt with. With more and stronger storms, the inability to connect with the outside world or even 911 will be catastrophic for some.
Damage to cable takes down phone and internet in north.
4) Below in Letters is an example of an interaction with the Ombudsperson that demonstrates the inability of this office to provide assistance. If this office cannot demand answers from government officials, why does it exist?

From: “Janis Hoffmann” (name given with permission)
To: “citizensforsafertech” <citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca>
Sent: Thursday, June 9, 2022 6:58:43 PM
Subject: Ombudsperson dismisses complaint against Government Officials and Provincial Health Officer.
Our complaint filed with the Ombudsperson was dismissed; she stated that the Ombudsperson can not make our Government Officials or the Provincial Health Officer answer our questions regarding the safety of our children in school. Her solution was to vote them out in the next election.
Who is the advocate for the public when officials refuse to respond? Who is going to be held responsible for willfully ignoring the “clear evidence” of harm to our children in school?
Ombudsperson dismisses complaint against Government Officials and Provincial Health Officer.
“Our complaint filed with the Ombudsperson was dismissed; she stated that the Ombudsperson can not make our Government Officials or the Provincial Health Officer answer our questions regarding the safety of our children in school.Her solution was to vote them out in the next election.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Whoever is winning at the moment will always seem to be invincible.” George Orwell