1) BC has set up a system to warn people about it potentially being deadly hot. People will be advised via mobile devices. Surely the most vulnerable, the elderly and the poor, will have smart phones, right? How will they be alerted if they don’t? Hopefully, consideration is being given to those without mobile devices.
(click on photos to enlarge)

B.C. launches heat alert and response system to help people, communities stay safe
“The B.C. Heat Alert and Response System will include two categories: heat warnings and extreme heat emergency alerts, Public Safety Minister Mike Farnworth said Monday.
The government is prepared to broadcast extreme heat emergency alerts to mobile devices through the national Alert Ready system, which is already used to issue Amber Alerts and tsunami, wildfire and flood warnings, he said.
Temperatures surpassed 40 C for days in last summer’s so-called heat dome in B.C., resulting in almost 600 heat-related deaths, most of them elderly and vulnerable people living in buildings without air conditioning.”
2) From Carol and Fred Dowe, a request for support that will take just a few minutes.
Addendum to last night’s item:
Re. Qualicum Beach upcoming Council meeting. Carol has been attempting to educate the Councillors and the public about the dangers of RF in her battle against the cell tower near a school and residences. This item is on the agenda and she is asking for support to be able to arrange a presentation. Will the Council attend?
“4 d) THAT staff liaise with Carol Dowe to find a space for the public and Council to attend a presentation regarding Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR).”
Qualicum Beach, Council meeting Wed. June 8, 2022, 10:00am PST and watch livestream…it is recorded if you are unable.
Let as many people know as you can about this.
Please take a moment to write your comments to communications@qualicumbeach.com by 12noon Fri. June 10, so we are showing our voice.
Thank you, Carol and Fred
3) Cece Doucette (Massachusetts for Safe Technology) holds a webinar twice a month and covers a variety of topics associated with RFR/EMF. I seldom receive notice in time to add to my update prior to the event. I hope you will either sign up for her newsletter or keep an eye on her website for upcoming meetings. All are welcome and she often has very interesting interviews.
“Twice a month we are holding free educational webinars to help you learn how we got here with wireless radiation and how to fix it.
We’ll also provide resources for how you can open the conversation with loved ones, your schools and your town.
See the Events page at Massachusetts for Safe Technology to register for a future webinar!”
4) Some really good news from Barb Payne, Founder of EPIC, which is devoted to helping those suffering EHS.
“Unique news! More people are learning our topics and care about prevention and about persons who are affected.
A wonderful group of business-people who support E.P.I.C. suggested having a Garage Sale to raise awareness and funding. The business-people are hosting it, doing all the promotion and operation of the sale, and donating items to sell. Also, at least one teenager is volunteering as a helper at this event in Mississauga (west of Toronto).
Please use this link to share with friends, family and colleagues to increase awareness of the event. [It’s free, there’s no ticket required. It’s only that Eventbrite is used to get the details out into the world to invite the world.] ”
The first ever:
Electromagnetic Pollution Illnesses Canada Foundation (E.P.I.C.)
Garage Sale Fundraiser
June 11, 2022

Hello Everyone,
This is a reminder of our BRAG ZOOM meeting this Wednesday June 8, 2022.
TIMES: 11 am (11:00) and 8 pm (20:00) Eastern Time (Canada/US). 8 am PT and 5 pm PT
Click on the times listed to find the meeting time in your time zone.
Join Zoom Meeting
Hope you can make one of the two ZOOM meetings.
We will be introducing the car project, the instructions for which have been posted to the Clipboard Forms page on the BRAG website. (PWD==BRAG2021).
Also, a request for those of you who have microwave ovens to measure the amount of leakage from your microwave oven. The instructions, and submission form for your results, are available at this link:
We have 25 microwave ovens tested so far, and our aim is for 100 if possible. Takes less than 5 minutes to do.
Hope you can make one of the two ZOOM meetings on June 8th.
Thanks for volunteering!
Kind regards,
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Let him that would move the world first move himself.” Socrates