1) Despite understanding that there are risks and inadequate safeguards, the Court denied this person’s right to live in her home without having a cell tower 25 ft. away from it. Another hearing is scheduled and perhaps a fairer decision will be reached.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Woman Must Move to Protect Her Health from AT&T 5G Tower Planned for Her Front Yard (Video)
“…. it does appear through reliable, credible evidence that the FCC regulations as to what are safe RF emission standards are outmoded and inadequate to safeguard the public…”
“by way of said scientific medical evidence Appellants have shown that the FCC’s determination as to what are safe and acceptable RF emission exposure levels are antiquated and not based on current scientific evidence and that the FCC regulations are instead industry sponsored, outdated, and just plain wrong, causing the public to be exposed to unnecessary and harmful radiation.””
2) A member has advised me that BitChute, a source for some of the videos I’ve shared recently, is a right-wing, white supremist group. I was ignorant of this and will no longer use their videos. The most recent one was of a resident of Moorpark, California presenting information to the City Council about the telecoms not being able to obtain insurance to protect them against claims for damages to health. Here are some better references, and lots of them.
3) Dr. Arazi and Phonegate are joining with Dr. Belpomme and the Scientific Director of his institute to research EHS and MCS, and to involve/educate the medical community.

Creation of ARIEM (Association for Research at International Level on EHS and MCS)
“We are therefore pleased to announce the creation, on May 24, 2022, of the A.R.I.E.M. Association with the main objective of developing knowledge on EHS and MCS through high level research involving the best teams engaged in this research in France, in collaboration with the best international teams. This Association is under the patronage of an international scientific council composed of high-level experts.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“It is immoral that the regulatory standards for electromagnetic fields (EMF) used in cellular communication are inadequate and pose a serious health risk.” Yury Grigoryev, Russian Federation