1) May 30 — Telus cell 911 service is not working for many on Vancouver Island and people need to use a landline or another cell provider. I wonder if Telus internet 911 service is working. Too bad if it isn’t because landlines are harder to find, thanks to Telus.
Emergency 911 services out for some cell customers south of Nanaimo
““People are asked to use an alternate cellular provider or a landline if they cannot get through to 911 using…their cellular device,” the CVRD’s alert read.”
(click on photos to enlarge)

Emergency 911 services out for some cell customers south of Nanaimo
2) Microcells are continuing to be installed in huge numbers, and in new places, both inside and out.
225,000+ 5G and 4G Small Cells Activated for “private networks” at U.S. Businesses, School Campuses; Some Installed Indoors
“Turns out, small cells are alive and well, judging by some of the stands on the exhibit floor of the Wireless Infrastructure Association (WIA) Connect(X) – an event that resurfaced this week after some pandemic-induced down time.
The thing is, a lot of these small cells are for private networks, using Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) on a business or school campus rather than the public networks that wireless carriers are building for 5G.
And there are lots of them. According to the OnGo Alliance, there are now more than 225,000 CBRS access points deployed. Compared to Wi-Fi, that’s a tiny number but it’s also a lot newer technology that’s in the very early deployment stages.”
3) Despite warnings, more than 10 years ago, about the risks associated with full body scanning at airports, some schools are using this technology to search for weapons, and more are considering it.
“In April 2010, when screening using X- ray technology was in use, scientists at the University of California – San Francisco wrote to President Obama, calling for an independent review of the full body scanners’ radiation risks. The experts noted that children, pregnant women, and the elderly are especially at risk “from the mutagenic effects of the [body scanners’] X-rays.”
Health Risks of Airport Security Full-body X-ray Screening Systems
U.S. Schools Installing “airport-style body scanners” for Weapons Detection Despite Radiation Exposure Risks
“Using airport-style body scanners in U.S. schools is a recent development, with the first of them being put in place in a couple of South Carolina school districts in 2020, according to an article on the Slate news website.
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools bought 21 body scanners for just under $5 million, according to WCNC-Channel 36. According to the station, the district started putting in the first scanners in its high schools about two months ago. On May 2, the second day after body scanners were installed at Phillip O. Berry Academy of Technology, a scanner detected a loaded gun carried by a student, who was then arrested.”
4) Dr. Magda Havas is expanding the BRAG project, and is hoping for more volunteers to help. Please see the “Letter” below for details about the next Zoom meeting. Full information about her project is at:
Right now, she is asking for RF measurements of microwave ovens.

BRAG’s next ZOOM meeting will be held on …
DATE: Wednesday June 8, 2022
TIMES: 11 am (11:00) and 8 pm (20:00) Eastern Time (Canada/US).
Click on the times listed to find the meeting time in your time zone.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 882 3150 4626
Passcode: 599484
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Dial by your location
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Meeting ID: 882 3150 4626
Passcode: 599484
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kzHjj0mpL
Hope you can make one of the two ZOOM meetings in early June.
Also, a reminder that we need more data for microwave ovens. Here is the link again to the method and form to be submitted for the MicroWave Oven project:
Thanks for volunteering! https://globalemf.net/
Kind regards,
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“He who knows nothing is closer to the truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors.” Thomas Jefferson