1) A very handy reference thanks to Americans for Responsible Technology (ART).
Discover the ART Treasure Chest!
“Ever wish you had all the best quotes about wireless in one place? Things you could easily cut and paste to include in your testimony, your three-minute presentation or your letter to the editor? Great quotes and statements from medical and public health experts with direct links to their sources?”
2) Dr. Sharon Goldberg presented the following at the Jan. 2021 EMF Medical Conference. This is on the technical side, since this was for doctors, but this is information we should know. Studies have shown how EMF (RF) affects both good and bad bacteria and that this can lead to many harmful effects, e.g. resistance to antibiotics, effects on the good bacteria in our gut.
https://www.bitchute.com/video/v8b2iBWo6uuB/ (20 min.)
3) I won’t pretend to understand all of this but ,bottom line, here is another way wireless devices can interfere with or even challenge our normal activities.
(click on photo to enlarge)

New Bluetooth hack can unlock your Tesla — and all kinds of other devices.
“Now, a researcher has devised a hack that allows him to unlock millions of Teslas—and countless other devices—even when the authenticating phone or key fob is hundreds of yards or miles away. The hack, which exploits weaknesses in the Bluetooth Low Energy standard adhered to by thousands of device makers, can be used to unlock doors, open and operate vehicles, and gain unauthorized access to a host of laptops and other security-sensitive devices….
Khan’s attack uses custom software and about $100 worth of equipment. He has confirmed it works against the Tesla Model 3 and Model Y and Kevo smart locks marketed under the Kwikset and Weiser brand names. But he says virtually any BLE device that authenticates solely on proximity—as opposed to also requiring user interaction, geolocation querying, or something else—is vulnerable.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons of history.” Aldous Huxley