1) Finally the government is proposing that all telecoms will have to remove all of the Huawei and ZTE 4G and 5G equipment from transmitters, microcells, and all wireless infrastructure equipment. 5G equipment must be removed by June 2024 and any 4G by the end of 2027 — and no new equipment may be used. The law has yet to pass but is in the works. For us in BC, that means lots, if not all, of the recent Telus 5G equipment must be removed and may limit new 5G equipment. We can only hope.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Canada banning China’s Huawei Technologies, ZTE from 5G telecom networks
“The Liberal government is banning Chinese vendors Huawei Technologies and ZTE from Canada’s long-awaited blueprint for next-generation mobile networks.
“Telecommunication companies in Canada will not be permitted to include in their networks products or services that put our national security at risk,” Innovation Minister François-Philippe Champagne said Thursday in Ottawa.
“Providers who already have this equipment installed will be required to cease its use and remove it under the plans we are announcing today.””
2) A review of current evidence leads to confirmation that pregnant women should avoid exposure to EMF and that failure to do so could result in serious long-term developmental problems for babies.

EMF Exposure and Pregnancy Risks: Here’s What the Scientific Literature Tells Us
“Electromagnetic field exposure in pregnant women is associated with a shorter pregnancy, increased fetal heart rate variability and temperature, and babies born with smaller head and chest circumferences, according to a review of scientific findings.
Over the longer term, EMF exposure in utero increases a child’s risk of developing speech, hyperactivity and other inattention issues.”
3) The telecoms know that wireless is not capable of handling the amount of data that fibre can, and in the new “digital” world, more and more devices will be connected to the internet (IoT). Other concerns such as security and privacy are addressed much better with fiber, which is much harder to hack. In California, the government is funding wired networks, apparently to the home (“the last mile”). Perhaps fiber is starting to play a more major role in telecommunications — but it must be without any wireless component and must be taken straight to and into homes and businesses for it to be safe, efficient, and secure.
CPUC Adopts Program Rules to Bring Broadband to Communities Most in Need
“The program will fund wireline networks that provide reliable service in communities that need it most. Networks must be built to provide modern speeds of 100 Mbps download and 100 Mbps upload. The program encourages local and tribal government participation and reflects the State’s priority of bringing affordable service to all Californians.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“It always seems impossible until it’s done.” Nelson Mandela