1) A history of how research on EHS and MCS was stifled in Sweden. This article was written in 2010, but no doubt this continues today, and not just in Sweden. Sadly, many experts have lost funding, promotions, even jobs in retaliation for finding/confirming that microwave radiation is harmful.
Silencing inconvenient research in Sweden
“What was apparent in the 2005 Sif documents was that the previous emphasis on chemical and electromagnetic hypersensitivity in the office environment had been replaced with an emphasis on the “psychosocial work environment”. This would suggest that all those hypersensitive employees identified by Sif investigations in the 1990’s were now considered as being a psychosocial problem. This is backed up by investigative journalist Gunni Nordström in The Invisible Disease that the before mentioned environmental diseases had been replaced by the emphasis on psychosocial problems and stress at workplaces. 12 [12 Nordström,op. cit., page 218.]
This may be the case when you consider that Sweden has one of the world’s best workers compensation laws for work-related illnesses. However, if an employee is sick due to “psychosocial” reasons there’s no chance that they will receive compensation for their illness.”
2) Senate hearing on Tuesday, May 17. CELA and EcoJustice present shortfalls with the current CEPA policies, and why amendments are vitally important.
(click on photo to enlarge)

Environmental Lawyers and Scholars vs Industry
Bill S-5: Strengthening the Canadian Environmental Protection Act for a Healthier Canada
https://mailchi.mp/69f4f3a0c41e/environmental-law-experts-meet-industry-in-senate-hearing (click on “video” in small box on right side of the ‘Meeting Detail”)
3) In the webinar on Monday, hosted by 5G Alert, Doug Wood of ART spoke about the importance of ordinances in protecting residential areas, schools, etc. from 5G, cell towers, etc. Some ordinances, along with a lot of other very helpful information, can be found in their “toolkit”. The ordinances are under “codes” for various cities, e.g. Scarsdale.
These all apply to USA but similar approaches are worth considering. And, every municipality should have an Antenna Siting Policy at a minimum.
4) Cece Doucette and Masschusetts for Safe Technology put on a lot of webinars and share so much great information. Various recordings of webinars that you might have missed are available at their website and you can sign up to get invited to her monthly “meetings”.
Welcome to our second Educational Session on Wireless Technology and Safer Solutions
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3wqLEZTca4&list=PLMAz9ZRXjYmpsjY7soBpLn56MZHTvk1OP&t=9s (@ 1:20 Building Biologist Eric Windheim)
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“If the highest aim of a captain were to preserve his ship, he would keep it in port forever.” Thomas Aquinas