1) Dr. Arazi and his Phonegate team keep finding conflicts of interest involving the many “researchers” who took part in what was to be a defining study of the relationship of cell phone usage and brain cancers in children: Mobi-kids. The study took place between 2009-2016 by teams from many countries. Phonegate already identified direct conflicts of interest with several “researchers” and now they report on conflicts of interest within several of the international teams: Dutch, Australian, Japanese, Korean and French. Obviously the study, which concluded that cell phones are safe for children to use, was designed to reach this incredible conclusion. Many thanks to Dr. Arazi and his team for continuing to demand that this study be declared useless.
(click on photo to enlarge)

Mobi-kids: a study infiltrated by the mobile phone industry
“Our investigation into the conflicts of interest of the authors of the Mobi-kids study [which analyzes the impact of wireless phones on the risk of brain tumors in young people] has now shown that ten of the eighteen people in charge of measuring the exposure of patients worked directly or indirectly for the mobile phone industry.
What is now also evident in the organization of this study are the proven conflicts of interest with the mobile phone industry of ISGlobal, the Institute of Global Health of Barcelona (which, according to their website, includes the banking foundation “la Caixa“, academic institutions and government agencies)….
This means that no less than five people paid by Orange have contributed directly to the study.”
or https://tinyurl.com/ymm7w9rc
2) Notice from 5G Alert of Westchester, NY. A chance to see what other communities are doing to try to limit proliferation of 5G antennas.
Zoom in Monday, May 16th at 7pm ET / 4pm PT to learn how to keep 5G far from your home.
With co-host Zoe Berg and special guests Doug Wood of Americans for Responsible Technology & Fishkill resident Diane Chillog
“5G radiation does not come from clouds or far-away cell towers. It comes from antennas installed right outside our homes, without our permission, without choice, and even if we don’t subscribe to the service. If you’re opposed to this profit-driven threat to public health and safety, then this Zoom is for you!
5 cities and towns in New York State have already taken a significant step to limit installations near homes, schools, and play areas — including Scarsdale.
Find out what these municipalities did — and how they did it — this coming Monday, May 16, on a Zoom hosted by 5GAlert Westchester.
The telecoms are on the march in Westchester municipalities, installing powerful antennas up and down neighborhood streets. Don’t know what to do? Register now for this empowering coaching event. We invite residents from all other municipalities to join as well. What works for one, works for all.
Join the 5GAlert Westchester Zoom meeting.
When: May 16, 2022 07:00 PM Eastern Time (USA and Canada) 4:00 PM PT
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.”
3) This is an industry article, much of which I can’t understand. But the essence of it is that 5G is a mess, too expensive, not flexible enough, too complicated, and not ready for wide use. What is wanted is speed that 5G promises but can’t provide. Fiber optic is gaining momentum and, hopefully, will become the option of choice over wireless.
‘It’s a complete hot mess’: Challenges and opportunities (challenges, mostly) in 5G, private networks and service assurance
“… the current reality is that there are critical elements of assuring such services that have yet to be fully defined, costs are high compared to LTE, many of the most innovative possibilities require 5G Standalone, there’s a dearth of devices with the right features implemented, and the language of designing, monitoring and maintaining cellular systems still needs to be successfully translated into the metrics that enterprises actually want and need.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.” John Wooden