2022-05-10 Thurs. zoom re EHS/MCS disability rights

In last night’s update I erroneously missed including the link to the excellent PowerPoint by Marg Friesen to which I referred. Here it is:

https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/C4ST-CM-Meeting-Marg-Friesen-WHY-and-HOW-to-Protect-Birds-Bees-Trees-in-Law-from-Wireless-Radiation-v4-April-19-2022.pdf    (47 slides)

1) On Thursday, May 12, there will be a Zoom meeting by the National Council on Disability. One item on the agenda is a presentation re. disability rights for those with environmental sensitivities, specifically EHS and MCS. You can attend the entire meeting which starts at 12:00 pm ET /  9:00am PT or at 11:45 PT for this specific portion.

“2:45-3:20 p.m.—Presentation from Susan Molloy MA, Disability Policy, Arizona, USA; Magda Havas Ph.D., Environmental Toxicologist and EMF researcher, Professor Emerita, Trent University, Ontario Canada; Sheena Symington MA, Director, Electrosensitive Society, Ontario Canada; Elizabeth Kelley MA, Executive Director, Electromagnetic Safety Alliance Inc., Arizona, USA on Chemical and Electromagnetic Sensitivities; Q&A from Members”

Please see full details at:


2) In the USA, as in Canada, the telecoms wield immense power over the governments and media. ART (Americans for Responsible Technology) is campaigning for a Commissioner who might be able to help build a fiber optic broadband network.

Call today to help make Gigi Sohn an FCC Commissioner

“The same giant telecoms that created the digital divide and deprived millions of Americans of fiberoptic broadband are now lining up to oppose Sohn’s nomination. The last thing they want is an independent commissioner who won’t do their bidding, and who will call out the corruption and self-dealing that has left the country far behind in our communications infrastructure. ”


3) For those who missed that last meeting of the National Call for Safe Technology on Friday, May 6, here is a video of it. It really is good to connect with as many groups as possible, to share ideas and experiences, and to learn what has worked for them.

The meeting included:

Doug Wood let us know about the Americans for Responsible Technology (ART) Tech Safe Schools Advocate Program Campaign.

After Doug, Dr. Lisa Smith updated us on what is going on in Tucson, AZ with a short presentation; the Tucson groups have essentially tried everything and are being ignored by their public officials.

Professor Russ Witte from The University of Arizona gave a longer presentation regarding some different approaches/strategies they’re using on the local level which includes documents of notices and affidavits.”

Then there were updates by reps from several groups who are working on issues in their communities.

  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z23Q1d_Am3o     (1:54 hour)

4) A newsletter from Cece Doucette, of Massachusetts for Safe Technology, with several Zoom meetings (some already occurred) that might be of interest. One in particular is on May 24 entitled “Wireless Technology Risks & Safer Solutions: introductory level discussion of today’s wireless radiation health risks, why we don’t know, legal risks, and actions taking place to transition to safe technology.” Registration is required.



Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters

“Success is the sum of small efforts – repeated day in and day out.” Robert Collier


Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation