1) C4ST Zoom meeting for Riding Representatives, Riding Members, Community Members, and Special Guests! It is vital that we all become educated on the benefits of fiber optic cable (of which there are many).
Speaker: Frank Clegg
Tuesday, May 10th, 2022, 7:30 PM ET / 4:30 PT.
Power Point Presentation: Fiber Optics (Environmentally Sustainable, Economically viable practices), even in remote communities.
Full details are below in “Letters“. For those who missed the April 5 meeting, the minutes are at the link below. The meeting included a presentation by Lyn McLean, Exec. Director of EMR Association of Australia.
2) A very dangerous new technology that will enable 5G milliwave signals to be broadcast cheaply, bypassing “obstacles”, throughout every neighbourhood, not just in the centre of large cities. Every 50 meters, on every lamp post, no one will see, no permission is required by City Councils. Imagine the increase in EMR !!
(click on photos to enlarge)

Streetlights Offer Path to Rapid mmWave 5G
“Under the terms of their agreement, Ubicquia will use Movandi’s technology to create an mmWave smart repeater that plugs into a streetlight’s photocell socket in minutes — the system is said to be compatible with 360 million existing streetlights worldwide, to accelerate broad 5G mmWave coverage and FWA deployment. These would install in just minutes and lock onto host RAN signals automatically to ensure repeater–to–repeater connectivity without the need for fiber connectivity to the core network. The mmWave smart repeater also integrates with all major RAN/Open RAN technologies, including Ericsson, Huawei, Nokia, and Samsung, and supports all global mmWave spectrum bands….
The streetlight repeaters, expected to enter test and deployment in 2023, meet utility power, protection, metering, weight, and wind loading requirements, and can ensure optimal outdoor coverage and user experiences by extending the range of 5G mmWave gNBs and redirecting signals around obstacles….
By using existing streetlights and their persistent power, 50 meter spacing, and 8–10 meter heights, this makes millions of site–ready locations available at a fraction of the time and money than building new poles for 5G radio base stations (gNBs) and pulling fiber to them….
…the radios can be on the air extremely quickly. Maybe the biggest benefit is avoiding those boring city council meetings!” ”
3) A new paper by Dr. Belpomme re. EHS. The abstract is short and well worth reading.
Why electrohypersensitivity and related symptoms are caused by non-ionizing man-made electromagnetic fields: An overview and medical assessment
“…we show here there are objective pathophysiological changes and health effects induced by electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure in EHS patients and most of all in healthy subjects, meaning that excessive non-thermal anthropogenic EMFs are strongly noxious for health….
…we have previously evidenced that EHS is a brain pathological disorder which can be objectively diagnosed and treated. Moreover, it has been shown that, although they differ in their etiology and pathogenesis, both EHS and MCS share a similar clinical and biological signature, so they must be considered medically as parts of a particular…”
From Dr. Joel Moskowitz.
Dominique Belpomme, Philippe Irigaray. Why electrohypersensitivity and related symptoms are caused by non-ionizing man-made electromagnetic fields: An overview and medical assessment. Environmental Research. Available online 7 May 2022, 113374. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2022.113374.
• Electrohypersensitivity is caused by electromagnetic fields.
• Electrohypersensitivity is a neurological disorder with inflammation, oxidative stress, blood brain barrier opening and neurotransmitter abnormalities.
• Electrohypersensitivity must be defined by the decrease of brain electromagnetic fields tolerance threshold.
Hello Riding Representatives, Riding Members, Community Members, and Special Guests!
Thank you for your great work urging Senators from your province to include RF-EMR in Bill S-5 (CEPA) amendments. We appreciate the efforts you have made to share the CEPA White Paper with them.
C4ST CM Meeting – Marg Friesen WHY and HOW to Protect Birds, Bees, Trees in Law from Wireless Radiation v4 – April 19, 2022
Please see links to Marg Friesen’s PowerPoint presentation (shared at last month’s Community Member Meeting): Endorsement of the Co-authored, C4ST and PCN Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) White Paper.
The C4ST Leadership Team has sent a “Call to Action” out to EMR experts to send in a brief and request to appear as a witness. We have recommended witnesses to the Senate, including Dr. Magda Havas, Dr. Miller, Meg Sears, Dr. Miller, Dr. Paul Heroux, Margaret Friesen, et al.
Speaker: Frank Clegg
Tuesday, May 10th, 2022, 7:30 PM ET / 4:30 PT.
Power Point Presentation: Fiber Optics (Environmentally Sustainable, Economically viable practices), even in remote communities.
Join Zoom Meeting, using one of these three:
1. https://zoom.us/j/97250411732?pwd=YU9kZlE5S291anpkOVI3VzVaQ2hGQT09 (No password required).
2. Go to Zoom & use Meeting ID: 972 5041 1732 Passcode: C4STRR
3. To call in by phone, find your local phone number: https://zoom.us/u/adqLEcepOB
Landline call in Meeting ID: 972 5041 1732#, #, Passcode: 481062#
Use *6 to mute and unmute, Press Star 9 to raise hand
We look forward to seeing you tomorrow night!
Kind Regards,
Shelley Wright
URGENT APPEAL TO THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA to Suspend the 5G Rollout and to Choose Safe and Reliable Fibre Connections https://www.appel5gappeal.ca/
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Changes and progress very rarely are gifts from above. They come out of struggles from below.” Noam Chomsky